Annabeth Corvus



5 years, 10 months ago


Annabeth Corvus


Name Annabeth Lucina Corvus
RACE Dhampir
Gender Cis female (she/her)
Age 28
DoB October 31st
Height 5ft 4in


  • Comfortable in her androgyny, but wears a face full of make up and her boobs out anyway.
  • Annabeth has successfully masqueraded as Angelo before- the only thing that gives her away is the lack of bags under her eyes. Otherwise, they're the spitting image of each other.
  • Always willing to try anything once, and because of that she has plenty of stories.


  • Fancy weapons
  • Spiced wine
  • Opals
  • Gossip


  • Sand
  • Divine magic
  • Churches, clerics
  • Sex










  • Dualist. Trained by Vincent Corvus, Annabeth is trained with dual wielding, and prefers to do so with two rapiers.


  • Hexblade. Annabeth has a pact with the Raisellean Demon blade, Bilet. He pleads for blood in exchange for his power, and as such she is always killing for him to drink. 
  • Hemocraft. Annabeth is trained with Hemocraft- more impressively so than Angelo, at least. She is not a Bloodhunter by profession, but she performs rites and blood curses with ease.
  • Vampire Magic. As thanks to his bloodline, Angelo has a few spells he can cast inherently.
    Racial spells: Thaumaturgy, Charm Person, Misty Step, Vampiric Touch.


Where she may share a face with Angelo- they could not be any different. She somehow lacks Angelo's reputation for being cold and calculating, though she fits the bill perfectly. She is chaotic, carefree, unwilling to settle and more than happy to seduce. Her attitude off puts everyone she meets, when she seeks to enthrall them with her charm and wits, and if that doesn't work; she'll intimidate them with a manicured claw and the darkest of magics.

She has very little self control in all the things she does. She is a glutton for blood and seeks out anyone with bare neck or open bed. She talks openly about the dark arts and dark magic. She carries her race like a badge of honor and dares those who hate her to act upon it- because she is truly a force to be reckon with, even without the backing of her powerful father and brother.

Her reputation isn't one of cold calculation, it is one of self interest, one that makes her more than Vincent than any layman could ever accuse her of being. She is incredibly selfish, having grown up in Angelo's perfect shadow, and makes herself and her interests known before she cares for anyone else's. There are few of these 'interests' that she hasn't fucked, slain, or drained for every last drop of their life, and she cares not that such a fact makes her a bad person.

The only common traits she and Angelo share aside of their faces, are their cunning swordsmanship and their unwavering loyalty for those who have earned it from them.

Raisellean Hexblade

Setting: Raisel

Born to Vincent Corvus & Mae Lorin.

She cares not for the circumstances of her and her brother's birth- Human, Vampire, something in between, what all does it matter? Even if she were Human, she would live as shamelessly as she does now.

As a child she was always Vincent's favourite; a charming little girl who entertained her father with dances and displays of the magical abilities she inherited from him. Where Angelo liked being around their mother, Annabeth took to distracting Vincent just as well. Maybe it was for that reason that he always went so easy on her.

She minded not the intense training he punished both of them with, since she was always rewarded in one way or another. A new tome from the library to study the darkness of the world, a chance to peak some magical artifact or another.

The passing of Mae didn't affect the girl at all, as she was already on her way to train at the Mage's College; to hone this ability she had that Angelo didn't- something that set him apart despite their looks and training. By the time she came back from studying; the war had passed and Angelo had instated himself at Fiora Castle, so there was no one to stop her from getting all the attention she wanted from her father.

But... Magic tricks and little dances weren't enough to captivate him anymore. Bigger plans were brewing, ones she didn't care to look into. Frustrated, she sought trouble- and one night, she broke into the Corvus family vault to stir a little.

What she found wasn't trouble or her father's attention; but a peculiar weapon. It spoke to her in ominous tongues; offering her power, magic unbound by rules in exchange for freedom from the vault that sealed it for hundreds of years. Unwilling to let the chance pass... Annabeth accepted it's offer, spilled her blood upon the blade, and left Corvus Manor behind. She kept the blade a secret from her father and Angelo for a year or two before Angelo pried the truth from her. She feared his anger and disappointment, but was met only with pensive thought and acceptance.

Since leaving the Manor behind she spends most of her time traveling around Raisel; doing nothing in particular but causing trouble. When her brother departs from the Castle for business, she returns to take his mantle as tactician for the time being- but, mostly stays there as not to be alone.



Vincent Corvus


Daddy dearest- she doesn't like him, but she doesn't hate him like Angelo does. He's never been awful to her- in fact, he's spoiled her rotten, but she thinks she'd like to get into the hidden vault he keeps under lock and key.


Angelo Corvus

Twin brother

Her precious, darling little brother. She lets him do his thing and does whatever she wants to knowing he'll always swoop in to save her if things get a little too bad. She also threatens to slaughter anyone who talks shit about him.