Lucello's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

brinepool Global Rules

-You may change the character in any way you like. Change their colours, change their species, redesign them, hueshift, ect.

-You may draw over the original artwork my designs came with, but keep the original drawings attached to the character, even if put in an outdated design tab or hidden from everyone but the owner.

-You MAY gift designs you purchased, traded for, or were given.

-If you traded for or were gifted a design and have not added any art to them, you may only trade them or give them away.

-You may NOT sell a character for more than they sold for UNLESS they come with additional art. You may add on the value of the art you made for them, plus art you commissioned or traded for. [For trades, add the value of what you would price what you did in return for the art piece you were given.]
-DO NOT USE VOUCHERS TO TRY TO GET PAST THIS RULE. If you bought a character for 20$, and have NOT added any art, the highest voucher you may ask in exchange for them is still 20$! If you ask for a 30$ voucher for a character you bought for 20$ you are still breaking my TOS.
-Additionally, if you do not upload the art you are using to increase the characters price to their gallery you may not sell the character for more than bought for. All art MUST be uploaded to their gallery to count. Do not pretend that a character has more art than they do to scam people.

-AN EXCEPTION to these rules is that if you're having a sort of emergency and need to fund raise. Please inform me if this is the case.

-Even if redesigned, do not label designs purchased from me as solely created by you. But you are more than welcome to add yourself as a co-designer if you've changed the design enough. [So designed by brinepool AND you, rather than just designed by brinepool.]

-You own full rights, including commercial, to any designs by me that you own. Though you still must credit me somewhere for originally designing it.

-I do not believe in revoking designs, but I do believe in blacklisting, if I find that you are breaking these rules, you may be subjected to getting blacklisted. Meaning that you will no longer be able to own designs or get art from me.