Yaiam Elling



5 years, 6 months ago


Y. Elling


Yaiam Elling
5'4" / 163cm
Cryptozoologist, editor


Kudzu was initially a diplomat-in-training for House Zukiz but took a detour on the way to the Sith Empire. She was never very interested in diplomacy or politics. Starship piloting was always her calling.


Despite her resting-bitch-face, Kudzu is pretty nice, though she's often tired from trying to deal with customs at spaceports. She may flirt a little if she's in an especially good mood but it's likely to get a free drink.


She is of a pretty average fitness with a pear-shaped figure and a little extra softness here and there. Kudzu isn't too skilled in hand-to-hand combat, relying on her blasters, though will try to escape a physical fight before one breaks out. She wears comfortable but practical clothes, and in her off-time lives in sweats or yoga pants.

Biography, according to Y. Elling

My name is Yaiam Elling, I’m 26-years-old, my favourite band is Nomadic Primordial Flesh Pit, and I’m a cryptozoologist and investigator of the paranormal and supernatural. I’ve been interested in the unknown ever since I left Mirial for Arkanis when I was eight. What, you may ask, transpired to ignite this passion of mine? I saw a ghost.

We lived in a poor neighbourhood and our building was a bit rundown. To add to things, we were in the minority in terms of species as the population was mostly human; so, we would not always receive good treatment.

Now, down the hall from us lived an elderly man, who had, apparently, owed a lot of money to gamblers – I found this out later, of course; I couldn’t care or understand about it nearly this much when I was eight. The old man had died of a sudden massive heart attack and no-one knew for almost two weeks. He didn’t often leave his flat and would have groceries delivered to him.

Into the second week, some men came up and broke into his flat. They didn’t immediately realise that the old man was a corpse by now and shot him. What happened there was truly a mystery – all except for the fact that I saw it myself.

I, an exceptionally bright and curious child, had sneaked out of my parents’ flat to investigate the commotion. I didn’t know what a blaster sounded like outside of holovideos and thought someone needed help – not that I would have been able to do much, but the thought hadn’t occurred to younger me. I had peeked into the flat and saw the old man’s corpse lying unnaturally in the armchair, and then…

I saw the old man’s apparition rise up from his mortal coil to fend the intruders off. He threw one out of a window and the other ran out of the flat – he ran right past me and didn’t even notice I was watching. The apparition saw me then and approached. It knelt down to my height and said:

“Kriff off.”

I just about peed myself and ran back home to my parents. It was amazing.

Ever since that experience, I’ve been researching paranormal activities and investigating strange and unusual occurrences to uncover the truth about the world we live in. We’re not alone. The truth is out there if only you care to look.

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