


5 years, 5 months ago


Name Valerie

Called Val

Age 23

D.o.B. Content

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Height 5'5

Build Curvy

Race Half-Imp/Half-Seraphim

Role Disruptor of Hierarchies

Demeanor Deceptively Charming

Aesthetic Hellishly Sweet

Flower Amaranthus

Element Fire



confident • charasmatic • back-stabbing • cunning

Write a small intro for your character here! Just a paragraph or two. This box will scroll.








Gingerbread jujubes sweet roll. Muffin cheesecake lollipop macaroon gingerbread marshmallow lollipop. Marshmallow pie jujubes sweet cake. Jelly beans marzipan tootsie roll danish chocolate cake cake. Jelly oat cake muffin jujubes. Gingerbread cake caramels marzipan. Icing apple pie lemon drops sweet roll lemon drops cotton candy. Chupa chups muffin cupcake croissant cookie pastry jujubes bear claw. Icing jelly jujubes. Carrot cake jelly tiramisu bonbon marzipan marshmallow tart gummi bears. Soufflé lollipop biscuit cupcake jelly beans chocolate cake chupa chups cake candy canes. Icing icing sweet roll sesame snaps cake topping cupcake. Marzipan pie halvah. Cotton candy marshmallow pastry cake soufflé carrot cake chocolate.


Gingerbread jujubes sweet roll. Muffin cheesecake lollipop macaroon gingerbread marshmallow lollipop. Marshmallow pie jujubes sweet cake. Jelly beans marzipan tootsie roll danish chocolate cake cake. Jelly oat cake muffin jujubes. Gingerbread cake caramels marzipan. Icing apple pie lemon drops sweet roll lemon drops cotton candy. Chupa chups muffin cupcake croissant cookie pastry jujubes bear claw. Icing jelly jujubes. Carrot cake jelly tiramisu bonbon marzipan marshmallow tart gummi bears. Soufflé lollipop biscuit cupcake jelly beans chocolate cake chupa chups cake candy canes. Icing icing sweet roll sesame snaps cake topping cupcake. Marzipan pie halvah. Cotton candy marshmallow pastry cake soufflé carrot cake chocolate.

Gingerbread jujubes sweet roll. Muffin cheesecake lollipop macaroon gingerbread marshmallow lollipop. Marshmallow pie jujubes sweet cake. Jelly beans marzipan tootsie roll danish chocolate cake cake. Jelly oat cake muffin jujubes. Gingerbread cake caramels marzipan. Icing apple pie lemon drops sweet roll lemon drops cotton candy. Chupa chups muffin cupcake croissant cookie pastry jujubes bear claw. Icing jelly jujubes. Carrot cake jelly tiramisu bonbon marzipan marshmallow tart gummi bears. Soufflé lollipop biscuit cupcake jelly beans chocolate cake chupa chups cake candy canes. Icing icing sweet roll sesame snaps cake topping cupcake. Marzipan pie halvah. Cotton candy marshmallow pastry cake soufflé carrot cake chocolate.


Gingerbread jujubes sweet roll. Muffin cheesecake lollipop macaroon gingerbread marshmallow lollipop. Marshmallow pie jujubes sweet cake. Jelly beans marzipan tootsie roll danish chocolate cake cake. Jelly oat cake muffin jujubes. Gingerbread cake caramels marzipan. Icing apple pie lemon drops sweet roll lemon drops cotton candy. Chupa chups muffin cupcake croissant cookie pastry jujubes bear claw. Icing jelly jujubes. Carrot cake jelly tiramisu bonbon marzipan marshmallow tart gummi bears. Soufflé lollipop biscuit cupcake jelly beans chocolate cake chupa chups cake candy canes. Icing icing sweet roll sesame snaps cake topping cupcake. Marzipan pie halvah. Cotton candy marshmallow pastry cake soufflé carrot cake chocolate.

  • Valerie's tail and wings are prehensile. She often uses them as third, fourth, and fifth hands.
  • Her wings are unique in that the primary and secondary feathers are retractable from the covert feathers. Due to this ability, Valerie's wings tend to look smaller than they actually are.
  • Valerie has four half-siblings: Mathias, Ursi, and Urso from her mother, and Amira from her father.
  • She has major trust issues and an extreme superiority complex.
  • She loves to dress up, since she didn't have the opportunity to while growing up with Nikolai.

Nikolaiex-best friend
Valerie and Nikolai were childhood best friends. Valerie destroyed that relationship when she used Nikolai to as a means to reach her ends.


Valerie only met Lorna recently, but it was less of a meeting and more of an intrusion. Valerie cares little about Lorna, and simply sees her as an obstacle in the way of getting to Nikolai.


Eldridge is Valerie's father. Valerie feels ambivalent toward her father. She yearns for his approval as equally as she despises him for abandoning her when she was a child. The fact that he is her father won't stop her from overthrowing his rule and disposing of his heiress.


Wylie is Valerie's mother. Just as she is toward her father, Valerie feels ambivalent toward her mother. She hates her mother just as much as she does her dad for her abandonment, but feels comparatively closer to her mother...


Mathias is Valerie's maternal half-brother. Valerie is intent on disposing Mathias by any means necessary in order to usurp his status as heir to her mother's noble house.


Valerie sees Ursi (and Urso) as a twin pest. She poses no threat to her in her plan to overthrow Mathias and Wiley. She merely views Ursi as an annoyance latched onto her by blood.


Valerie sees Urso (and Ursi) as a twin pest. He poses no threat to her in her plan to overthrow Mathias and Wiley. She merely views Urso as a nuisance latched onto her by blood (just like his sister!).


Amira is Valerie's paternal half-sister. Valerie sees Amira as a suck-up and a goody-two-shoes. Valerie especially hates Amira, as Amira holds a staunch opinion of superiority over hybrids. She is intent on disposing of Amira by any means necessary in order to usurp her status as heiress to her father's noble house.


Judas is one of Valerie's consorts. She appreciates him (though not genuinely) as he's always inflating her ego by acting as a "yes-man" and praising her every action.


Videl is one of Valerie's consorts. She is less appreciative of him, since he's pessimistic and isn't afraid to critique Valerie. He is the foil to Judas, and as such Valerie keeps him around to have somebody to correct.


Innaadoptive mother
Inna was Valerie's adoptive mother, and mother to Nikolai. Valerie holds Inna very dear, but makes it clear she was weak to her. Although Valerie holds Inna in her heart warmly, she feels no remorse for using her in her plan to return to her parents' domains.