


5 years, 5 months ago


  • Race: Prime Minister
  • Age: Ageless, possibly immortal.
  • Birthday: Doesn't need one   
  • Height: 21 inches (about 54 cm)

Aemnuz (Ay-em-Nuz) is the name given to the Prime Minister of Sorcery - it is thought that the two came into existence at the same time, or that one caused the other to happen. Though there are books that ascribe them a much more ethereal form, they prefer that of a tiny pink ferret, and take on this form simply because they can. Prior to the year 20,000 BC, they took on the form of a large snake but changed when it became too taxing to keep up.

Aemnuz is considered a neutral force to those who worship them. They have seen and are constantly seeing all that there is, and will act in whatever way they please. It is often thought that despite there being no rhyme or reason to their choices, they fully understand their actions and that all events that take place because of them will end favorably.

Aemnuz's personality is just as mysterious to the other ministers and masters as it is to humanity - however, they pride themself on living humbly and simply, and despite their shyness and mysteriousness, have a lot of wisdom to share with anyone who wants to listen. To any who can ever gain their trust, they give the following advice - that no-one fully understands the purpose of existence, and to live as simply, humbly, and happily as you can.


  • It's unknown which came first - Aemnuz or ferrets. 
    • Most likely, Aemnuz influenced the evolution of a species of polecat to create ferrets.
  • Aemnuz favors three things in their followers above all else - happiness, kindness, and the color pink.