
5 years, 6 months ago



21 Years(?)







VIVO is currently the head caretaker (commonly referred to as the maid) for the Domum Orphanage for abnormal children. Galil appears to be an old friend of their's. They are an omnipotent being responsible for the creation of the Universe. Despite this, they enjoy living multiple lives in human form, creating families from their own imagination to appear "normal".

In their first and current lifetime, their mother, Melanie Marcus, is a world famous beautician and fashion designer. Despite her fame, VIVO seems to refuse to speak about their mother and prefers to keep it to personal terms only. Before they left their mother and went off on their own to pursue life elsewhere, they were generally abused by her and neglected as a child.

Their father, on the other hand, was a popular scientist who explored and studied the idea of transtemporal travel. The two of them were on quite friendly terms before his disappearance, which devastated them.

Their last close family member, Yvette Yesteryear was a priestess at a local church. While their mother neglected them, their grandmother took primary care and kept them with her whenever possible. VIVO gained a certain admiration for religion after this, finding comfort in it.


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Galil — Employer

VIVO's current employer and friend.

Violet — Friend(?)

A laid back girl they met along the way.

Melanie — Mother

VIVO's dreadful, attention seeking mother.

Dorian — Father

Their lost father. No one seems to know what happened to him.


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