Umber Corrin



9 years, 8 months ago


Name: Corrin
Age: 16
Gender: male

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 135lbs

Magic: Dark

Personality: Rather introverted and quiet. He rarely talks if he doesn't have to and can be distrusting of others. When he's not in his own world he often stares blankly outside at trees or makes a sparse comment. He is rather shy and quiet especcially around people like Lux Elliana. He is loyal despite himself, and will protect others at his own risk.

Likes: Sunlight, daytime, cats, friendly people, chinese food,cappucino.
Dislikes: Nightime and nightmares, pushy people, loud people, onions.

Backstory: Corrin was just a homeless runaway, tending to do his own thing and avoid people. However he began to be attacked by Nightmares on a frequent basis, creatures akin to undead. Often seeking shelter in abandoned homes or buildings and preparing to fight the creatures as the night drew closer. He would most times barely make it out without injury, and after a long fight, avoiding or attempting to ambush the creatures, he was bitten and lost conciousness  after dispatching the beast. He cast his familiar spell, taking the form of a cat to remain hidden, and was later found by Magister Serana, pre-Lux Elliana and her friends.They found him in an abandoned warehouse, initially there to look for a place to summon, but instead running into a trail of blood leading to cat Corrin. They took the injured cat with them and treated its wounds before leaving again to practice their summoning. When they'd returned, an leucid Corrin lay on one of their beds, which caused the girls and women to freak out. They attempted to interrogate him but he fled into a stairwell. After a long chase they eventually pinned him at the bottom of the stairs, against a wall as night was falling. He finally told them he needed to be free to fight the nightmares as he watched the sliver of sunlight in the room diminish slowly with fear. Magister Serana and Elli were sceptical of his claims since only witches needed to hide from nightmares, at which point they noticed his eyes filling with red. After finding that he was an Umber Witch, a rare witch often skilled in dark magic and most other magics, they went to bring him back to their school. He often sits in their classrooms, pretending to be a familiar cat to avoid any suspicion or questions, often stating his witch cast invisibility on herself and was unable to fix it yet.

Extra: He bandages his right arm from around his elbow to his wrist, the skin in that area being blackened from Nightmare infection.

He's ambidextrous, although his left hand is his main.

His eyes often show the red starring when he casts magic. If he doesn't cast for a while they return to their natural green.

He's able to take the form of a cat, a skill that no one's sure how he learned.

He has a bite scars from nightmares on his upper right leg as well as his right shoulder.

Possessions: A black short-sword he uses to fight Nightmares.