Acidum [Kitvoren]



5 years, 7 months ago


Name: Acidum (ah-chi-dumb)
Sex/gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian

Occupation: Run a florist shop
Likes: Flowers and plants in general, being outdoors, gardening, being alone and left to do her own thing.
Dislikes: Fire, the smell of grass, hot sweltering days (she has lots of fur. she doesn't do well with the heat), rain or being wet.

Bio: Acidum is a sassy snappy sort of gal. You would think her hobbies and occupations would make her calm and passive but you couldn't be any more wrong. Though she can be nice and cuddly she is not afraid to fight you.
Acidum can be incredibly protective at times. Whether it's her flowers or her friends, she'll fight to the end. She's the mom you never had. She's not the bad kind of protective, but will fight for what's hers.

Extra notes:
-Her favorite kinds of plants are carnivorous plants. Venus fly traps, pitcher plants, you name it!
-She likes to decorate her tail a lot. Usually with flowers, of course. Due to her tail being so raggedy things tend to get stuck sometimes.
-She is hissy and short tempered. While she doesn't commonly hold grudges, it's easy to make her snap.
-Her ears are soft. REALLY soft. Go ahead, you can touch them c:
-Due to the time she spends outside and with plants, her fur has become sticky. She has given up trying to wash it at this point as it just gets sticky again. She'll wash it before it becomes too much of a problem however.
-She is a florist with her own shop! Her large claws makes it a problem to handle the delicate plants but she's trying her best ok
-She likes to trip people with her tail.
-She hates her fur being touched. It's already sticky as is, she doesn't need your hands thrown into the mix.

Spikes on body, painted skull (rare)

Short horns, extended fangs (uncommon)

rest is common