

5 years, 6 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer


You are welcome to use or scrap his background and story upon purchase.


You can comment, DM, or reach me on discord- eternallymax 

  • Cash Offers - Mostly always accepted. Vouchers for art by my favorite artists is great too! For vouchers, I prefer the artist to be paid directly rather than going through me, but I can also provide receipt of payment as well.
  • Art Offers - Would love some couple art- especially chibis and halfbodies/scenes. Absolutely happy to consider single art too, please just specify what you are offering and link either your gallery or art style!
  • Trades - Please see my Trade Preferences for any trade offers- I will be more hesitant on trades unless they fit into any ideas/roles. 
  • Customs - Not really looking for character customs right now, but would love some new outfits for my characters!

Name : Taiga (Ty)

Age : 19

Height : 5'10

Gender : Male

Personality : Taiga is a laid-back and carefree soul. He is not angered easily and oftentimes his annoyance will roll right off him as quickly as it forms. He is playful and does not always take things seriously. Though he absolutely hates the humans who murdered his family, he knows that not all humans are as selfish and greedy as the murderers. He does not take to trusting many people, but rather keeps a very small group of friends/trustees. Of the people he trusts most are his partner, Shiki, and the old human, Mr. Hamada. He prefers to befriend young children and believes that they see the world for what it truly is.

Taiga Tora Ikari was born and raised with his grandparents in Tokyo, Japan with his older sister Misaki. He followed her around and looked up to her like his own mother. His grandparents minded their own and the siblings really only saw them for meals. Taiga and Misaki's parents worked for the government and lived in America so they only saw their parents on special occasions. Misaki was the only one who called him by his middle name, oftentimes addressing him as Tora-Tora in a playful tone. She only used his first name when he got into trouble. Though he was normally a good kid, by age 11 Taiga stopped following his sister and became a wanderer. He would just disappear, sometimes for days at a time. He enjoyed exploring and preferred to travel through the sewers during the day. He would take the wrath of Misaki when he returned home, sometimes just tuning her out. Even so, he still adored and idolized his sister. After one of his 3-day expeditions around the city he returned to an eerie silence and a home that looked as if a tornado had swept through only the indoors. He searched the house for his family and found that all possessions of value had been stolen. He eventually ran across the bloodied bodies of both his grandparents and his sister. They were murdered for a few valuables.Taiga believed that he would have no one and that the world was against him, he fell into the doll state. He didn't notice that anything had changed in him, he was too distraught. Then suddenly a purple blob crawled over his family members and into his lap. With the appearance of what he would name "Jelly Bean" (his observer), he knew he had changed. There was some strange connection between he and the blob that seemed way out of the ordinary. The murder of his family crushed him and he knew he would never be able to live in that house. He retreated to his bedroom and crawled beneath his bed, pulling up a section of the flooring to get to his hidden belongings. He took with him a scarf that his sister had given him and his debit card that his parents supplied with cash on a monthly basis. He traveled to the other side of the city and was found sitting on the curb by an old friend of his parents, Mr. Hamada. He took Taiga into his hotel and offered him one of the rooms to stay in until he could get back on his feet. The old man was hoping he'd never leave for Mr. Hamada was very lonely.

Taiga currently lives in a hotel owned by old Mr. Hamada. He continues to explore Tokyo, but he ventures out into other cities, mapping out the land with his observer that he named "Jelly Bean". Upon returning from his travels he turned a corner and ran into a young man by the name of Shiki. Taiga shrugged it off and prepared to continue on his way but the boy noticed Jelly Bean in his pocket and asked about it. Taiga became Shiki's partner and friend and soon enough the two lived in hotel rooms right next to one another.