


5 years, 6 months ago


Name: Oliver

Nickname: Ollie 

Middle Name: Robin 

Last Name: Clark

Height: 5’2 ft

Weight: 105

Gender: Male

Sex: Male

Pronouns: He, Him

Age: 15

Birthday: 5/9/2003

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Sexual Orientation: doesn’t know

Romantic Orientation: doesn’t know but has fallen in love with a guy once

Relationship Status: Single

5 core traits:  Loud, Loves Food, Is very smart despite being the youngest in the group, can be a bit selfish at times (like a little kid), and he is very Empathetic towards others 

Random Habits:

Likes: Books, Outer space, Gardening, The Earth, his friends, when Joshua and everyone else is happy, the color yellow, overalls, spring, butterflies, lemons, sour foods, food in general,and hanging out at the park with his friends

Dislikes: jumpscares, scary movies, games like Call of duty and fortnite, summer, the color red (it’s just to harsh of a color to him), Limes (they are a weak version of lemons), spicy foods, and tomatoes

Role in The Group:  he is the logical thinker of the group and also the dreamer of the group. Although he loves to read books about space and use big words he is a huge dreamer and loves to think of stories.

What Kind of Books Does he Read?: he loves to read fiction and non fiction that have to deal with space.

Personality:  Ollie is  someone who is very loud despite his best efforts to be quiet. He is constantly laughing and making those around him laugh. Ollie also LOVES food, he especially loves Sour foods and candies but will probably eat almost anything. He also likes to keep his food all to himself and his friends have all learned to not even touch his food. Oliver also loves to use big words as to show others just how smart he actually is despite some people thinking of him as a joke. Ollie also has a LOT of empathy towards others which can make him quite emotional sometimes. He is normally very empathetic to people who feel sad and will always try and figure out anything to cheer them up.