


5 years, 6 months ago


  • Hotwire

  • Age [REDACTED]
  • Gender Genderfluid, prefers he/him
  • Race Cybertronian
  • Role Bounty Hunter
  • Alignment Neutral

"You're gonna have to try a LOT harder than that to get a piece of THIS ac- wait whaddya MEAN you don't want any??"

To most, Hotwire is an enigma of danger and promiscuity. To himself, which is vastly more important than anything else, he's a buffet of action and beauty for only the most daring of bots to partake in.

Hotwire used to be a [REDACTED] before he [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. Since then, he's been traversing the galaxy and making himself the best bot he can possibly be, at least, in his own humble opinion. His altmode hardly deviates from his root mode such that he can transform and make quick escapes much faster than many other bots can claim to do, as well as be able to move very organically and unpredictably during flight. This leads to him needing to replace parts more often, both due to wear and intentional damage caused by others, as many more of his body parts are moving at all times. However, he's kept that in the forefront of his mind, as his design is very modular and can usually be fixed by buying (or stealing) parts from any given place that may have any. The only part of him that's stayed exactly the same on his body for more than 10 years at a time is his color scheme, because he's very picky about ensuring it stays as close to its original design as possible.


Origin: [REDACTED]
Height: 40'
Build: spindly, inverted legs
Demeanor: slick as oil, baby
  • shooting things
  • making MONEY
  • making love
  • getting shot at
  • mean comments about his appearance
  • being deserted :I




Much of his history is terribly convoluted and difficult to keep track of, but the majority of his life has been spent modding himself to be, in his own eye, Perfect. A good couple eons were spent gallivanting around with his best friend and most trustworthy cohort, Gort, who is also a bounty hunter, although of the sapio-kinetifluid variety. The two of them together were a nearly unstoppable force, but they decided to part ways for a while since they both made bank pretty spectacularly. Hotwire wanted to settle down and have fun for a bit, whereas Gort wanted to remake the very structure of his species' government in a coup. Rumor has it, though, that they're looking to team back up again, so that together, they can pull off some jobs they'd never have even considered so many years ago...




In the meantime, Hotwire's just chilling with his bf Router and gf Timehop in the Metrotitan DudeCity, although the lack of action has made him a bit antsy. he sorta wants to go find Router some new pants.



[ boyfriend ] Router is the first bot Hotwire's ever had any sort of committed relationship with, and it ended up beginning with Router getting his pointy legs stuck in a sewer grate while Hotwire was running from cops. go figure! they're really close now and get along really well and it's probably one of the two best things that's ever happened to him.



[ girlfriend ] Timehop would be the other of the two best things that's ever happened to Hotwire, in that she's the CUTEST and MOST SWEETEST girlfriend he could EVER ask for. She's opened his spark to LOVE and GOODNESS and so many other things he didn't think he needed in his life but here we are!! they love each other a whole lot too!!



[ bounty hunter cohort ] [REDACTED]
