


8 years, 3 months ago


Name: Jiao (meaning One who is pretty and gentle in chinese) Henners AKA Mama/Mother Hen

Age: 25

Hobby: Teaching Herbology, Experimenting splicing plant geans together

Likes: Roses, Plants, Uniqueness, determination, Good intentions

Dislikes: Quitters, Failed experiments, People treating plants bad, The school board

Personality: forgetfull, Driven, Caring, Gentle, single minded, Determined

Background: She grew up surrounded by flowers. Her mother was full Chinese and her falther was Half Chinese and Half american. Her grandfather being Full American (thats where the last name Henners came from) Her mother loved her rose guarden and taught her to care for and respect plant life. As she grew older her facination with plants grew and intensified. She went to school to become a botanists. She did great until she decided to push the envolope. She asked for a grant or backing so she could experiment splicing a flower geane with a tree gene to produce a Rose Willow. No one was willing to back up her project until a private college in japan contacted her. They would give her the funding under a few conditions. She worked as a teacher for their school and she only worked on her experiment off hours. She thought it was a dream come true. Then she got there. They keep her busy. Even going as far as assigning her take care of the Art Dorms and the girls who lived there. She tries to work on her experiment when she can. Usually late at night after cerfew has hit. She works hard and is determined to prove it can be done!