


8 years, 3 months ago



Name: Mothspirit (Previous: Mothkit, Mothpaw and Mothflame) 
    Prefix Meaning: Moth - For her pelt, that looks a little like Moth markings
    Suffix Meaning: Spirit - Because she never gives up
Gender: Female
Age: 46 Moons
Clan: Duskclan
Rank: Medicinecat
Breed: American Short hair X Siamese
Appearance: A tall and skinny she cat with dark fur and amber markings. She has golden eyes and three legs. 

Religious Beliefs: Believes "They are real, Of course, and they are cruel..."

Fighting Style: She will attack using her speed and agility advantage. Although now she is a lot more clumsy and generally tries to avoid fighting all together.

Skills: Out of 100 [50 is average]

Forest Hunting: 10
Fishing: 5
Swimming: 5
Patrolling Borders: 70
Fighting: 25
Thinking: 80
Running: 25
Stalking: 10
Leading: 5
Mentoring: 95
Medicine: 75

Height: 14"
Weight: 10lbs
Voice: (Add later)
Scent: Catmint and Tansy


Likes: Being alone, Going for walks, wading through water and Rain
Dislikes: Feeling useless, Being crowded, Sun and Admitting defeat
Fears: Confrontation, becoming useless to the clan and Fire

Mother: Flamespeck (NPC)
Father: Nightgorse (NPC)
Siblings: Brother: Emberbranch ( JaxxieBoo  ) Brother: Midnightclaw ( Zen-Violetbone ) Sister: Spottedwing ( Hold for tryout )
Grandparents: Mother's side: Amberlake and Buzzardtalon / Father's side: Duckstrike and Brokentail
Other: Stepsister: Greymouse ( Open for tryout )

Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual
Romantic Orientation: Grey-romantic
Turn-ons: Intelligent, Calm, Dark or white pelts
Turn-offs: Cream or grey pelts, Cats deemed useless to the clan

What kind of relationships: [yes,no,maybe]
quick fling -- Yes
long-lasting partnership -- Maybe
only sexual -- Maybe/Yes
dating -- Maybe
romantic-only -- Maybe
polyamorous -- Maybe
serious and committed -- Maybe


Negative: Blunt, Cold and Hostile
Bullet; Red - She won't sugar coat it. She will tell you what she thinks
Bullet; Red - She can often seem like she doesn't care for anyone else's feelings at times. 
Bullet; Red - At times she can seem quite unapproachable 

Neutral: Stubborn, Sarcastic and Proud
Bullet; Yellow - It is really hard to make her change her mind once she puts her mind to it
Bullet; Yellow -  She will often make sarcastic comments to other cats
Bullet; Yellow -  She is very happy and proud of what she does. 

Positive: Wise, Witty and Intelligent 
Bullet; Green - She will often have a long life comment or lesson for certain situations
Bullet; Green - She will often say something quite sarcastic or funny to lighten the mood.
Bullet; Green - She is very clever and will think up of plans quite quickly

Past History

    Kit (0-6 moons)

Mothkit was born in a litter of 4 with her siblings; Emberkit, Spottedkit and Midnightkit. 
Although her mother wasn't interested in having kits, she still raised them, but their father loved them very much and would spend all of his free time with them. 
During this time a young kit was found at the border of Duskclan and was believed to have been left there by a rouge or a Cat from Cinderclan. 
The kit was then adopted into the clan and was given the name Greykit. Due to there only being one litter in the nursery at the time Greykit was adopted into the litter.
Emberspeck treated the kit as another nuisance but Nightgorse treated her as his own kin. As the rest of the kits grew together they all treated Greykit as their own. Mothkit becoming especially close to Greykit. 

    Apprentice (6 -14 moons)

Mothpaw now an apprentice was given a mentor by the name of Meadowbelly. A tom with long white fur. He was a warrior that was very quiet, he was a cat of few words, although he was a respected warrior. During this time Mothpaw trained really hard to become a warrior, but she also became very close to her step sister greypaw. 
During this time There was a border fight between Duskclan and Cinderclan, in which Mothpaw ended up getting a few scars. Although she was put off for a week or so, she quickly decided that she would train harder. 
While she was an apprentice Nightgorse and Emberspeck had stopped being mates, due to Nightgorse seeing Emberspeck as the true cat she really was. 

   Warrior (14 - 17 moons)

Mothflame now a warrior she didn't let the fact that her scars made her seem less pretty. Although during this time she came quite close to a tom called Ratthroat. The two began to get closer and closer as time went on. Although one day when she was out on patrol she was attacked by a dog, the two other cats that were with her were killed. As time went on she believed that she was going to die. She was then found by another patrol that had gone out looking for the previous patrol. She was brought back to camp and taken to the medicine den. Here she had to have her back left leg amputated. It was unsure if she was going to stay a warrior. 

   Med. Apprentice (18 - 30 moons)

After a couple of moons her stump began to heal and she was making great progress on her walking. Although it was then decided that she couldn't stay a warrior. She was then given the chance to train as a medicine cat. She wasn't happy with doing this and spent another moon not playing any role to the clan. Greymouse and Spottedwing spent everyday with Mothflame convincing her to become a medicine cat. Then one day Midnightclaw came to her also convincing her. She decided that this is what she would do, Nightgorse told her that he would be proud of her no matter what path she took. 
Now training as a medicinecat she spent as much time as she could to become as good of a medicine cat as she could. 
She was also renamed Mothspirit to represent her never dying spirit and her devotion to always do what she can, no matter how bleak the situation.
Now she is training as a medicine cat she soon stopped seeing Ratthroat and she noticed that he had went off to see another she cat.

    Medicine cat ( 30 -Current)

Now the previous medicine cat had died Mothspirit took the role as full medicine cat. During this time she also took on a new apprentice called Ravenpaw and is training him to be as good a medicine cat as he can be. 
She also still spends a lot of time with her siblings. 
Although due to a fight with a fox her father came in with his eyes scratched, although she saved his life, she couldn't help his vision and he had to retire to the elders den. 

Current History

I will add as I RP


Flamespeck - Flamespeck was a tall amber she cat with darker amber, flacked markings along her back. Her eyes green and showed little to no emotion in them. She was a quiet and respected cat throughout the clan. 
Nightgorse - A large black tom with golden eyes. He's considered a very good hunter for the clan. Although Flamespeck took little interest in the kits, Nightgorse always spent his spare time with them. 
Emberbranch - A dark grey tom with Tan markings on his paws and black tabby markings along his pelt. He is a proud tom with a short temper who isn't very patient when it comes to Kits and Apprentices.
Midnightclaw - Midnightclaw is a black tom with small white spots dotted around his pelt. He has a white tail tip and ears. He really enjoys to be around other cats and helping his clan out whenever he can. 
Spottedwing: Spottedwing is a white pelt with Black and amber patches. She's a very friendly she cat who is really close to the warrior code.
Greymouse: Greymouse is a small grey she cat that was adopted into the litter after she was found at the border of Duskclan territory. She is a very friendly she cat who is really close to her step siblings. 

Mate: Oddspirit ( NatNatB  )
Kit[s]: [if any]

[Relationship Key] 
Bullet; White undecided || Bullet; WhiteBullet; White Intimidated by || Bullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White Terrified of || Bullet; Black hasn't met || Bullet; Orange respects || Bullet; OrangeBullet; Orange Admires || Bullet; OrangeBullet; OrangeBullet; Orange Role model || Bullet; Purple Kin || Bullet; PurpleBullet; Purple Considers kin || Bullet; PurpleBullet; PurpleBullet; Purple loved kin || Bullet; Green Likes || Bullet; GreenBullet; Green Friends || Bullet; GreenBullet; GreenBullet; Green close friends || Bullet; Pink Likes || Bullet; PinkBullet; PinkCrush || Bullet; PinkBullet; PinkBullet; Pink Lusts for || Bullet; PinkBullet; PinkBullet; PinkBullet; Pink Mates || Bullet; Red Dislikes || Bullet; RedBullet; Red Hates || Bullet; RedBullet; RedBullet; Red Enemies || Bullet; Yellow deceased || Bullet; YellowBullet; Yellow Leader of a clan || Bullet; Blue Cross-clan relationship/ forbidden relationship

midnightclaw - 
Bullet; PurpleBullet; PurpleBullet; Purple|Bullet; GreenBullet; Green|Bullet; Orange - He's a good brother but we don't speak often enough

Oddspirit - 
Bullet; GreenBullet; GreenBullet; Green|Bullet; PinkBullet; PinkBullet; PinkBullet; Pink - I wasn't sure of him at first, but I am so happy to have him as my mate...even though we have to be secret...I hope he doesn't regret anything...

Emberbranch - 
Bullet; Purple|Bullet; RedBullet; Red - that Fox heart...and he says that I am weak...he's the one that ran away from the clan

Roleplay Settings

Notes | Yis
Skype | Yis
Chats | Yis 
Comments |  Nah

Roleplay Example

Extract taken from a RP with Potatothroat and Pheonix in Warriors-of-Direclan
He gritted his teeth and looked away from Pheonix 'God damn voices, get out of my head' he shook his head as he thought to himself. 
He then steadied himself and looked at Pheonix again and sat next to her and wrapped his tail around her.