Aromaya Shi



5 years, 7 months ago


Aromaya Shi


Name: Aromaya Shi

Pronunciation: Āe-rOe-mĀe-yua

Name Meaning: Courageous Warrior

Nicknames: Aro, May, General

Type: Human

Gender: Female

Physical Description


Height: 5'9"

Weight: 138 Lbs.

Nationality: Caucasian

Eye Color: Autumn Brown

Hair Color: Auburn

Hair Length: Extra Long

Extra Info: Aromaya has a tall, strong, intimidating build complete with a muscular structure and a fierce gaze, an obvious athlete. Her long, light auburn hair would usually be kept in a braid that grows in lengths past her hips, and when hit by sunlight her hair holds a flaming shine like a wildfire. Her light Autumn brown eyes, large and bright, hold wisdom beyond her years, always watching, collecting every detail she can. Freckles spot her rounded face in a sweet manner, making her look younger and more innocent, but she usually holds expressionless or thoughtful features.

Tattoos: N/A


Other Markings: N/A


Personality Descriptions

General: Aromaya is very quiet, rarely speaking unless necessary. She prefers to listen and analyze, her greatest weapon is her mind. Holding a wise, tact mind that works at a fast pace, able to analyze, recognize, and react to situations quicker than many. She usually seems distant, often lost in thought or problem solving. Her attitude around people is usually to-the-point and finds herself being a loner, feeling more tense or stressed around a number of people, socializing not something she prefers. She has an extensive imagination and an eye for creativity, finding joy in making things as well as adding her own special designs and flares to everything she owns.


Hobbies: Aromaya is highly creative, finding herself creating and designing new things, as well as adding on to what she already has. She likes to build and make her own things, adding delicate and intricate designs on all her works. She enjoys problem solving and multitasking




Strengths and Weaknesses


Skills: Recognizing body language to predetermine another's actions before they are carried out.

Education Level: 

Physical Soundness: 



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