

5 years, 7 months ago



JM (Known Alias)

pronouns They/Them
orientation Pansexual
age 28 (Assumed Age)
birth date ????? ??, ????
occupation Trader
status ██████


height 5" 10' (177.8 cm)
weight 130 lbs
ethnicity ????

"You can buy, do, kill, and be almost anything with money. Right?"

design notes

  • JM is androgynous leaning, but can adapat to feminine and masculine styles.
  • Hair is about the most consistant thing, makeup, clothing & style changes.


studying Nothing In Particular
frequents Any Shady Alleys or Illegal Market
patriotism None
skilled at Bartering
poor at Empathy

  • Often gets into fights but doesn't ever want to fight back. Talks shit & definitely gets hit.
  • Loves creatures of mysterious origins, and wanted to create them at some point.
  • No one is sure if JM is human, or something else, not even they really know one hundred percent.
Hates sunlight!!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus elementum et leo vitae tempor.


JM is very outspoken, almost in a dangerous way. Says whatever they'd like, whenever they'd like and often faces the consequences. Uses money and looks to get out of many unsightly situations they end up in, but always low-ball the numbers. Loves attention and being the center of it. They have made a living scamming almost anyone, with exceptions to their landlady and friends, even though they don't have many of those (friends). Doesn't feel the need to apologize or make amends with anyone, even if they should, because they don't like being in the wrong or percieved as the "bad guy".


Mostly unknown. Throughout the 28 years they've been in existance, they've slipped under the radar entirely and haven't made much of an impact until the last 4 years. They run a backdoor business of trading illegal goods, whether the "goods" are inanimate or biological.


Bonded Friend


Enz is a cryptic basement dwelling shapeshifter that became close with JM after falling for one of their scams, in which he was fooled and wired JM a considerable amount of money. Once the scam was up, Enz hired a private eye that tracked JM down, and upon confrontation, fell for them. Their Relationship is a bit platonic, as after time Enz realized that JM was not the person he thought, and JM doesn't often tie themselves down to partners or people. At least, not easily.


character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus elementum et leo vitae tempor. Praesent quis felis sit amet lacus pellentesque dapibus.


character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus elementum et leo vitae tempor. Praesent quis felis sit amet lacus pellentesque dapibus.


I just think it would be funny if this file were being compiled by some kind of secret government agency.