


5 years, 7 months ago


Name: Augustus (Sometimes called Aux) 

Age: 64

Gender: Male

Species: (Amphibious) Dragon

Powers: Somewhat similar to the Harpy monster of Greek and Roman mythology, Aux's powers come from his beautiful, low voice. When he really focuses on his one special song, he will begin to glow lightly, and can charm unknowing listeners to draw them close and bring them under a trance. The song basically sets their brain to rest, allowing him to control his victims mind into doing whatever he pleases. His powers can be strong when used in the perfect timing, on the right being, however, if he begins singing, you have five seconds of your brain fully functioning, so those aware of his powers can run/punch him to make him stop. He can also only control one mind at once, and the spell lasts only the length of his song (So if he sang for one minute, he'd be able to command them for one minute after he stops singing). If he's already controlling one mind, and other beings hear him, those beings will still think properly, but will be slightly sleepy. 

Personality: Knowing that he has a beautiful voice, Aux thinks pretty highly of himself. He speaks with a low, and calm tone, but often says rude/offensive things to those he speaks to. Due to being blind and usually alone, Augustus has never really developed good social skills- he doesn't understand why dragons would get so impatient with him, when he only speaks the truth. Ever since he was banished, he has gotten snappier and more cautious of danger around him- since he's blind, he doesn't really know what paradise looks like, and hates the hot sun, sand, and salt water. Although he seems to like to hide in the shade, he really enjoys being social and telling others about his life back in his swampy home. He's attracted to others based off of their voice and tone, so he sometimes gets himself in trouble by flirting with the wrong people. Augustus is known to accidentally pick a lot of fights, but then hide in the face of danger.

Bio: Aux was born to a family of amphibious dragons, that don't stick together. However out of all of his many siblings, his mother took pity on her blind boy, and raised him like a mammal would. As he grew up, she realized he had a beautiful voice, and would motivate him to keep singing everyday. Since he only really spoke to his mom, he developed an ego from constantly being told that he was amazing. His power of song began to grow, and soon his mother realized that it wasn't just a talent, it was a power. She helped/motivated him in his ability, and when he was 7, he was mind controlling fish and other prey for food. When he was about twelve, his mom was attacked by a western swamp wolf- their species' main predator. Aux didn't know what to do besides sing, and he managed to hypnotize his first big animal. The wolf had killed his mom, but was under his control by the time it approached him. In panic he told it to "Go away", and he could hear it run far, far away. Augustus mourned for his loss but stayed in the area of the attack, singing every day, so that no predator could ever sneak up on him. It didn't take him a super long time to recover from his loss, as he knew she was old, and died of natural causes. As he got older he was discovered by friendlier exploring dragons, and soon had others looking up to him. He controlled dragons to build him a small home, find him precious gems, hunt for him, etc. As his popularity grew, so did his ego. He started depending on his powers too much, and became extremely lazy, never having to leave his hut. He eventually had a little set up in his homeland, and lived a lavish life style. 

Reason for being sent to paradise: Aux was sent to paradise after he got a little carried away with his powers... He began boasting that he was the most beautiful singer in the world, and even started claiming to be "The God of Music" (even though he was nowhere near being a god). The actual God of music was extremely upset by this, and challenged the blind boi to a singing contest. Augustus failed miserably, and was thereby banished to paradise for his attitude and vanity. He now lurks around in the thick parts of the jungle- singing to himself, trying to figure out where he is, and sometimes playing little mind games on the other residents... 

Other lil facts:

-Since wolves are his species main predator, he's afraid of canines

-He's blind, but has the hearing of a deer

-Really easy to trap/fight since he's not nimble in anyway 

-He's a self-proclaimed King of Music

-He can't run for more than a minute without getting winded

-Loves kids, wants to be a mentor

-Theme Song: Life Itself by Glass Animals (Not as much the lyrics, but the beat really suits him)