


5 years, 7 months ago



  • GenderFemale
  • SpeciesPegasus
  • WorldFallout: Equestria
  • HomeWasteland
  • StatusAlive

Tourmaline   ——————————————


Tourmaline was born into servitude, her mother an enslaved Dashite and her father one of the masters. From a young age, she learned to fight and steal for what she needed. Of her two older siblings, it was Citrine who inherited their mother's looks and soft nature, while Carnelian and Tourmaline both took the striking red eyes and hot-headed temperament of their father. When she was a filly, her siblings decided it was time for a change of scenery and planned an escape. Citrine was killed before they even saw the light of day, sacrificing herself so that her brother and sister could make it out. It was when Tourmaline flew free for the first time that her cutie mark appeared.

After leaving the slave compound, Carnelian left Tourmaline in the care of a stallion they met on the road and disappeared without even a goodbye. The stallion, who turned out to be the leader of a gang of raiders, took Tourmaline in and made her one of his own. Her violent instincts served her well as a raider and she made a fearsome name for herself. But there were limits that even she would not go to, and eventually she took her leave of the gang who had given her a new home. She struck out on her own as a rogue bandit, only taking what she needed to survive as she aimlessly wandered the wasteland in search of belonging.