


5 years, 6 months ago





Hanakotoba - Black Cat (White Roses) 




Shiki generally comes off as very charming and charismatic, a model citizen who doesn't like to rock the boat. He typically takes the pacifistic route, preferring to handle issues in his daily life with words rather than action. He's quite hard to rattle, so none of his coworkers have ever seen him with anything other than a pleasant smile. Of course, it would be no fun if that was all there was to him. While Shiki typically doesn't have malicious intentions, he is cunning and at times incredibly manipulative. He is also greedy, tending to want the things that he sees as difficult to obtain, even if he has no actual use for it. Things that are easy are boring to him. If he can get it without having to work for it then it is essentially useless to him so he is always looking for the next big thrill. This is the primary thing that led him to becoming a phantom thief. There was no point in stealing small things that he didn't care about since it would be too easy, so he set his eyes on bigger prizes. That along with how fun it is to play with and outwit the police is what makes this the only thing that brings him any real excitement in his life. Even still, he does avoid hurting others at all costs and has managed to keep from having to use lethal force. To his surprise, and amusement, he actually has developed a rather large fan club that are captivated by his "mysterious bad boy charm". He often wonders if his fans will figure him out before the police will due to his experiences with how intense fangirls are capable of being. 

Despite his general easy going facade, he does have a bit of a temper when things aren't going according to plan. Though, it's hard to pick out since his anger manifests in more cold quiet ways instead of angry outbursts. 


Akihito- Akihito and Shiki have been friends since middle school due to their families living next door to one another. Their relationship stayed in the acquaintances stage for quite a few months until Akihito called out his fake behavior, bluntly informing him that he didn't really have any interest in being friends with someone who had the same personality as a shoujo manga love interest. Having managed to take him off guard, Shiki immediately became interested in him and the two developed something much more akin to friendship. Now, Akihito is a lot of the brains behind the operations; getting Shiki access to blueprints, schedules, and whatever else he needs to have a successful heist. His only request is that if Shiki does get caught that he'll leave him out of it. Akihito will make comments about what 'type' Shiki is being with his usual goal being to express his distaste for his attitude - however, since Shiki has no real interest In otaku culture, most of the attempted jabs go over his head.Â