Judah Sainsbury (timeline)



A hatefuck in human form. 6'3" (the tallest of the bunch!!). 25/26.

Currently a professional dominatrix/paid escort. Has done adult entertainment films in the past under the alias Judah Jericho (probably when he was 20-23). People often pester him to go back to it but he's not that interested except as special favors to certain industry friends in exclusively dom roles. He is pretty much an almost exclusive power top at this point (but has done other things in the past). 

He is polyamorous (in probably a bad way) because his life is very compartmentalized and he just finds people who fill special needs for him and then discards them when he's bored or doesn't need them anymore. Usually doesn't have women partners but he'll go for anyone he finds intriguing or wants to fuck lmao.


>Ezra is the only one who gets to call him cute nicknames. 

>Ezra is the only one he will really make a conscious effort to reign in his temper and bad attitude for...cuz he's a fucking sucker and doesn't actually want to hurt his feelings...most of the time.

>Thinks Ezra cheated on him with his brother due to undeniable photographic evidence and then was extremely upset and just fucking ghosted him cuz YA BOY JUST LIKES TO RUN FROM HIS ACTUAL PROBLEMS. IN A SICK TWIST, UNBEKNOWNST TO HIM...his brother drugged Ezra and had sex with him. FUCK YOU SEBASTIAN. 

>Being "cheated on" by someone who was so important to him really fuckt him up. So now he's extremely jealous and possessive and kind of hateful 'cause really he's afraid shit's out of his control and people are going to leave him.

>Virginity is just a societal illusion but his first time physically and emotionally was totally with Ezra. Never had a relationship with anyone prior to that...didn't really know much about dating or having sex with guys, either. Read a lot of Cosmo because he didn't know what else to do lmao.

>Will actually set a timer on his phone if he doesn't like you and you're trying to take up his time. 5 minutes is 5 minutes lmao.

>Reads a lot of books- surprisingly well read. Fave book is Wuthering Heights probably lol. You can get a glimpse of his nerd side if he really gets going on the topic of books. Originally wanted to be a librarian for a living...so sexy librarian is one of his favorite bits to do lmao.

Dylan is his temporary replacement toy for a spell. Just enjoys fucking with him and emotionally manipulating him 'cuz he's fucking mean. Steals all of his clothes and money. Doesn't like seeing Dylan happy, period- so he'll do anything to make him miserable until he gets bored of doing so. Dylan did genuinely like him at first but like THE FUN HAS DEFINITELY WORN OFF.  Dylan definitely does not want to be in a super controlling relationship like that so they butted heads a lot and ultimately, Judah was not really ready to actually move on in a healthy way so Dylan bailed. Now casually trying to see how much it would take to sabotage Dylan and Oberon's relationship. Don't worry, Ezra will call him off later cuz poor ol' Dylan ain't so bad...if they ever KISS N MAKE UP.

Judah and Dylan probably got their sternum tats at the same time.

Judah basically never cries now, but if he does his face gets super red and he gets pissed off if you're looking at him cry. He does not like to look or feel vulnerable.

Quite a voyeur. Jinkies. Likes his showers to be the hottest setting to practice burning in hell.

His phone is filled to the brim with blackmail evidence for fucking days and he has stupidly hard passwords for everything. Like you're not gonna get into his phone good luck. 

His favorite pet is Ares because he's the most obedient perfect sub and honestly he is really, really attached to him but would never admit it. However, he finds it extremely difficult to make appropriate emotional connections since he's so fucking guarded now so it's too hard to convey their relationship or really move it anywhere more romantic. Judah is not really into cuddling but does sometimes rest on Ares like a BIG OL' PILLOW so he's way ahead of anyone else lmfao. Does actually try to do nice things for him sometimes. Secretly keeps Ares around because it makes him feel safer and less out of control and not under emotional duress. It's easy and straight forward and he likes it that way.  Lets his dog on the sofa after always yelling no sofa cuz he's WEAK. ://

Really likes his non-human pets aka his ball python Hecate and various tarantulas/large beetles. He's always been a buggy dork even when he was a kid and has kept various ant farms and such. Had a scorpion and did not enjoy it so he gave it to a friend instead. The family dog died the same year his parents got divorced and he's still low key really upset about it 'cuz they were too busy fighting to care really so human dogs will have to do for now. Obviously likes and treats animals much better than people & he does not approve of any actual animal abuse.

Judah's family is pretty shitty. His dad is like a CEO guy who is never home and takes no interest in anyone except for Sebastian since Sebastian will inherit the company and his mom is usually just floating around the house high on valium, not paying attention to anything in the den just watching trash TV. She is thirsty for her own kid's BF- YIKES. His parents are now totally divorced. Sebastian is like 4/5 years older than him and graduated school when Ezra did (during Judah's freshman or sophmore year). Lilith is 3 years younger than him and they get along really well. He truly adores the shit out of her. 

At some point while dating, Ezra basically lived with Judah and his family since he was there more often than not and they were pretty much always together. He's got a house key wink wonk.

Judah was pretty nerdy in high school to start but at some point started hanging out with Ezra and his friends and he was basically trying to do too much too fast in order to fit in and be cool. So he was always drinking and doing drugs...partying, whatever. He ditched all his nice middle school friends which is NOT COOL. 

Ezra and Judah's first smooch was at a party during a grievous game of 7 Minutes in Heaven in which Ezra's friends thought it would be super funny to pick Judah cuz Ezra did not know that was Sebastian (his actual crush at the time's) brother!111! GASP. TEEN SHENANIGANS. Got surprised and sat down in the closet like a weirdo b/c he didn't think anything at all would happen. Started out a D.A.R.E loving youth but quickly changed his mind cuz his crush was gonna give him a shotgun. :/// 

Judah's legs were super patchy when he was young and it really embarrassed him so he used to wear pants all the time. Now that he's cool and hot he doesn't need real clothes LMFAO. But he really did use to be like scrawny and self conscious and super embarrassed to be naked (except at some point just for Ezra) NO POOL PARTIES, NO BEACH TRIPS. Now he owns it and if he's home alone he's probably relaxing in the nude let's be real cuz all that leather and latex is fucking sweaty.  

Homeboy goes through a fuck ton of Vivishine for his legs lmfao.

As an adult, he's got his own 2 bedroom place. One room is like his actual room that Nobody is allowed in (Ares may have been in there once or twice who knows) and it's all done in cozy dark grey and black. It's really comfortable and nice and he's got a lot of books crammed in there and if you saw that room before his other room you wouldn't even believe it was his room lol. Of course his other room is a playroom/dungeon!! And it's all red and black!! CUZ WE'RE TRADITIONALISTS HERE DAMN IT. He's got a fun bed with all sorts of fun modifications....like a cage area underneath sweats. He doesn't normally sleep on that bed with guests tbh. He'll leave you in there and go back to his room for the night cuz he's savage lmfao.


They reunite over an accidental sext and just keep sexting while Ezra is on tour whoops. Thus far they have not talked anything important over sweats.

INB4: "It's wrong and bad to have BDSM come from a place of anger!! Aftercare is important also!!"

Judah is angry a lot and winds up taking it out on other people. It happens. Oh fucking well. 

He's shit at aftercare too most of the time 'cuz he DOESN'T CARE. He's very emotionally stunted in a lot of ways cuz newsflash he's fucking flawed if that wasn't apparent.