


5 years, 7 months ago


"Oh, sorry, forgot my manners- the names Ignis, by the way!"



Full Name: Ignis Fatuus

Nicknames: Hinkypunk, Iggy

Age: 14

Gender: ....A what? (Genderfluid)

Pronouns: Any (including neopronouns)

Sexuality: Pan

Birthday: October 25th

Species: Will-o-Wisp

Powers: Able to float, change form, and attack using her wisp magic/claws

Ethnicity: Biblonean/Fae

Languages Spoken: English & Fae Tongue


Height: Usually 5 foot, 3 inches (Depends on form)

Hair Color: Light neon blue

Eye Color: Light neon blue

Skin Color: Baby blue

Battle Marks: None

Type of teeth: Fangs

Type of eyes: White pupils and blue sclera

Other Forms: Tiny Wisp Form (just a ball of wisp), Rabbit (most used animal disguise), any form they feel like taking at the time.

Facial Shape: Average

Body Shape: A bit noodly

Additional Notes: Long, rounded ears! Hair tends to constantly move and flares up like flames when upset.


Brief Description:

Being the child of the notoriously powerful & wicked Will-O'-The-Wisp, Ignis was expected to be the most ruthless, cunning, and devious fae alive. Ignis, however, came out to be quite the opposite.

For one, Ignis does not care for the soul-reaping tricks the other will-o-wisps play on humans and does not want to harm them at all. They also care a lot about what others think of them and try their best to get on everyone's good side. Ignis is very friendly, and loves talking to others for hours on end, but is often lonely due to subconsciously isolating themselves from others. She is extremely playful and mischievous and loves pulling harmless pranks on other folks. However, even though she has been around them many times before, Ignis doesn't quite understand how humans work, so sometimes their tricks aren't as harmless as they think they are. Ignis is just generally regarded as a trickster and can lie extremely well.

Ignis is a free spirit, doing whatever he pleases, and very much enjoys living by his own rules. He tends to have a very heavy disliking towards anyone/anything that wants him to act a certain way or tell him what to do. Ignis doesn't like authority figures and is purposefully rebellious because so.

While usually very friendly, Ignis can be a little cold and even downright mean to people she doesn't like or people who just don't radiate good vibes. She can be very devious and obnoxious toward them, and being an annoyance is her specialty.

Default Expression: :3

MBTI Personality Type: ESFP

Extrovert, Introvert, or Ambivert?:

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Habits: Pulls down ears when nervous, rambles often

Fears: Being forced to do something they don't want to do, becoming like their mother

Intelligence: Average

Pet Peeves: Unsolicited advice, not being taken seriously


Religion: None.

Thoughts on government: They're basically like a bunch of authority figures, so she thinks it sucks!

Thoughts on people in general: People are super great to be around! Have to be careful though, you never know when you'll come across a bad one!

Moral: Oppose anything that ties you down

Do they believe in:

Ghosts? Yep! There's a few in Bibelot

Aliens? Not really!

Cryptids? Sort of

Conspiracy theories? Nah

Anything else I didn't mention?

Superstitions: None, Not very superstitious


Voice Description: Ignis can make their voice sound like whatever they please, able to mimic anything or anyone. Her usual voice tends to be a high pitched, androgynous, playful tone.

Head-Canon Voices:  (basically these are some of the many voices she tends to default to depending on her liking)

Keith Ferguson (Bloo)

Jessica DiCicco (Flame Princess)

Robert Martin Klein (Gomamon)

Lizzie Freeman (Sad ENA)

Gabe V. (Happy ENA)

Speech Patterns: Often starts speaking at a normal volume and subconsciously raises their voice as they're talking, speaks in riddles and rhymes when upset (not on purpose, it just happens because he's fae)

Do they parrot people? (repeat phrases other people say): Yup!

Most used phrases/words: can't believe, anyway, love, great, lead, help

Swearing?: Yea, a moderate amount!

Do they think before they speak?: No

Do they worry about accidentally offending someone with their words?: Yes

Movement while speaking (hand gestures etc): Floats up a bit, sometimes does mimicry when talking about a certain person/thing

Humor: Ignis especially loves slapstick humor! Or just anything prank related


Occupation: None

Thoughts on occupation: Pretty great to have nothing to do since it gives them a lot of free time.

Dream Job: Curio/ One who helps the lost

Education: Home-schooled, middle school level

Past Relationships:

Was originally aligned with the fae

Current Relationships:

May (friend)

Family: Ignis' "birth" family are Will-ó-the-wisp and the rest of the fae, but doesn't refer to them as such. She's not fond of them.

Hometown: Wick Grove, Bibelot

Current Residence: None, traveling with May

Room/Housemates: May

Financial Status: Struggling

Source of Money: Odd jobs

Health: Good

Current Life: After running into May, Ignis feels like they finally have a chance to prove to everyone that they are capable of helping and caring for others despite being fae. Finally, with a friend by his side, Ignis feels like things are finally going their way.


Likes: People, pranks, herbs and flowers, reading, talking, human clothes, the feeling of cloth, dark areas, scented candles, constant noise

Dislikes: Silence, being told to shut up, silver, being told what to do in general, doing chores, bright lights, empty/lightly crowded areas

Favorite Food: Any type of fruit

Favorite Animal: RABBITS!!! (She adores them!)

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Movie Genre: Has never seen a movie

Favorite Book Genre: Non-fiction

Favorite Style of Music: Folk

Least Favorite Food: Caramel

Least Favorite Animal: Horses

Least Favorite Color: White

Least Favorite Movie Genre: Has never seen a movie

Least Favorite Book Genre: Dystopian

Least Favorite Style of Music: Electronic

Hobbies: Anything they feel like picking up at the time.


Song that fits character's personality: Boys Will Be Bugs - Cavetown

Song that fits character's story: Birdhouse in Your Soul - TMBG

Social Media Account they would have and what type it would be: YouTube, would be full of clickbaity prank videos

Typical Hours of Sleep: 6-7 hours

Aesthetic: Glow/Neonworks, blue, lanterns, flames

How they Type: Every word starts with a capital letter, replaces A's with 4s and E's with 3s

Ex: Th3y Would Typ3 Lik3 This

Zodiac: Scorpio

Worst nightmare they've had: Became exactly like her mother, couldn't control her own actions

Best Dream they've had: They made a lot of friends and people weren't afraid or avoided him!
