


5 years, 6 months ago


 | General || 

    Name || Osculum Dem

    Age || ??? (He says old but refuses to give a number. Technically young for his species but old in comparison to many others)

    Gender || Male

    Species || Ahuizotl 

    Romantic/Sexual Orientation || Bisexual, Panromantic

Physical Appearance ||  


Height | 5` (to shoulder)
Weight | Very hefty
Build | Surprisingly muscular for appearance
Eye color | Bright teal that can glow
Skin/Fur color | Mix of blues and a jade like color. Skin under fur is black speckled with whites


Height | 5`9
Weight | Very light, even weak people seem to be able to lift him
Build | Average, but magically stronger than build.
Eye color | Teal or red
Skin/Fur color | Washed out gray-blue color

Personality ||

Positive | Confident-Loyal-Responsible-Giving-Courageous
Neutral | Inquisitive-Bold-Trusting-Can Be Flirtatious
Negative | Narcisistic-Judgemental-Morbid-Demanding-Defensive

Osculum is a generally even-tempered monster, wishing only to have mutually beneficial relationships with his fellow survivors. He carries himself confidently, always seeming like he knows what he is doing even when he doesn`t. When challenged he retorts defensively, believing himself to be someone worthwhile, though his narcissistic side is typically kept to himself. It usually comes out when he is in a demanding mood, expecting others to fill his needs on occasion simply because he himself can be generous. This is due to his concept of relationships being give and take, and taking being whenever it conveniences him. However he is forever loyal and incredibly responsible, willing to fess up to mistakes and take charge when need be. He would take a knife for his allies, though that is his job. He has a curious nature, and is always trying to learn(language and anythign outdoors... Anything else he isnt interested in because `math doesn`t have a presence). 

*Has an issue with depersonalization. Doesn`t feel `real` like others are.

Backstory || 

He knows not how or where he was conceived, nor even the faintest memory of his parents. His earliest memory is of darkness and the dull echoing of his name within his mind. All at once he seemed to exist, within the murky waters of a deep dark pond. Though he didn`t need it, he rushed to the surface and gasped lungs full of air. His species did not require oxygen, despite gills as well as lungs being clear parts of his anatomy. Yet he breathes. To feel alive. 

His purpose was simple, to be a monster. For a while he was. Days and nights he would lurk in the waters of algae and filth, growling, hissing, animalistic and impatient. Yet he needed patience. He would rest, caked in mud and longing to breathe. When one was fool enough to step into his pond he would devour them. He first began to develop emotions beyond animal instinct when he heard the voice of a young maiden. She sang a song of love for her mate, and the two lay curled on the shore for hours until they dove into the murky depths. They were both human-ideal meals, but when the male got stuck in the reeds and nearly drowned Osculum did not feast. He pulled the boy from the plants and pushed him to the surface. His terror did not go unnoticed. The couple frantically left and did not come for many moons. When they did return they came bearing gifts of food and lanterns, but it was the folk music that attracted his attention. On the shorelines lit by lanterns they sang and danced for him in celebration of his gift of life. Intrigued and having only ever seen fear he rose from the depths, his species was apparently infamous for killings and many of the crowd of people grew silent, one even fled. He only settled on the shoreline, inhaling the fresh air that smelled of baked goods and fruits. The music played again.

Out of instinct, he sang a song of jumbled unformed words to eat a few passersby`s, but locals he allowed to live and thrive through great difficulty. It was in his nature to devour and found not eating everyone that came within smelling distance of him to be the hardest task in his life. It grew to be normal, but in the first year of training himself to not kill for the sake of a snack, it was near impossible. His body would tense and quiver when too close to someone, muscles itching to pounce.  But he managed to protect. And thusly became a famous guardian of the pond and was all but worshipped in the early days. He ate fruits and pastries and developed a palette that exceeded human flesh. Soon he grew rowdy and left his pond upon two legs. How he adopted the form he isn`t sure of to this day, but he gained a humanoid form to evolve. Adorning himself with a necklace of gold and sapphire awarded to him by the man he saved he went to the village. Once they realized who he was the townspeople ushered around him with excited chatters. They clothed him before they began his expansion of knowledge.

By day he spoke their words and wrote them too, painstakingly learning the languages of the locals over the course of years. At night he slumbered in his pond, a monster. It was the day that he walked to town on four legs that he became both. Another village had invaded violently, slashing and slaughtering all in sight. The village owed them a portion of their harvest and earnings every year, but they had not met their quota this year and paid with the lives of a dozen of their men. Outraged that his people were being disrespected in such a way he fought on their side, and soon there was no foe. When he was done he held a feast of traitorous flesh. The village pointed them in the direction of the enemy, and still coated in blood he went to the neighbouring village and destroyed their soldiers. He came out with wounds for the first time, experiencing the sensation of pain and mortality. He told the villagers that he would harm no more if they left his people alone. He poised as strong but once he returned home he wept from the pain of his bleeding body.

He retained a strong equally beneficial relationship with the village for years. He made individual bonds with many, and sometimes even slept inside the homes of some like a cat curled near the fireplace. He was no longer a monster to any of them-even after watching him actually eat defeated enemies. But all things end, and as the villagers, he had grown with began to die he was faced with a side of life he was not prepared for. All around him his life crumbled. Those he had bonded with had children who cared for him all the same but he knew what was coming if they were all to die he would too for he was born at the . As he dug the graves for the husband and wife who began his enlightenment He was going to die with none of his dearest friends alongside him.

He didn`t. His life of fantasies was over and he was faced with the crushing weight of outliving everything. He moved on, not wanting to live amongst expanding graves. For years he simply travelled the world by foot(and ships that would host him), learning the languages of many people and cultures, and meeting monsters and humanoids alike. He experienced the joys of life while avoiding the pain for many years. He expanded his skills and became a bit of a generous figure, hunting for strangers, curling around the homeless to give them warmth, teaching children to swim, taking cats out of trees-It was peculiar for as giving as he was he was also demanding. He was never violent in his demands but he developed the thought that people would simply feed and offer him shelter as his village had. This was not the case, but the worst reaction is hissing and him walking away. After learning human languages he never adopted violence unless he needed to.

He did return to his village, bearing gifts of golds, foreign pastries, and lanterns as they had given him. Though advanced they remembered him and greeted him warmly. He remained, loyal side screaming to stay. He gave in. As the village grew into a city as he stayed he slowly lost track of where he belonged. Stone and dirt turned to concrete and homes turned into towers. He was no longer anything worthwhile in a world of advanced magic and technology. The history of the town spoke good things of his name, but in the present, he was just a lost homeless creature with no idea how capitalism worked and the world was at the point that you had to be involved 100%. Even if you are a supernatural monster that never had a job other than "protect" in your long life. Feeling betrayed he left once more, wandering as a monster in a world where he was now normal. His strength meant nothing when everything had at least one method to defend itself. He knew languages better than most but never applied this to any practical use. On occasion, he played translator for confused street goers, but never pursued a career when he likely should have. He was ignorant and refused to adopt the new world.

The woods became a new home for the being that had travelled the world and learned the tongue of dozens of peoples. Now reduced to an emotional existential mess, roaming the woods, hunting, and devouring food like an animal. He would occasionally walk the streets of cities simply to coexist and speak with people, but with no money, he was just a walking relic-his old chunky jewellery displaying such in huge bold letters. He had no purpose, no motivation. He lived, but he no longer enjoyed living as he had in the earlier days of his long life. He thought of himself as something important, but it grew harder to tell himself that as the concrete bled further and further into his forest. He was losing all aspects of himself.

It was the crisis that gave him renewed purpose. Suddenly he had something to do, something that fit him. To protect as he had while sitting amongst a group that would help him as he helped them. No longer was he a feral beast running in the woods and hunting again-He was a protector. Dignified and respected. In the hotel, he would thrive in a world that was dying.

Relationships || "Everyone I know has been dead for years"

Extra ||

-Knows almost all human languages(Many he doesn`t know written alphabet though, and only tongue)
-Has a great singing voice and often times sings to himself
-Body produces heat in copious amounts, has since birth. This is due to his species naturally residing in cold ponds, to eliminate the possibility of hypothermia.
-Heals at the rate of a normal being, but bones, and scars do naturally heal to the point of leaving no scars.
-Enjoys high-end foods, especially pastries and fruits but has no pickiness. Will eat anything cooked or raw, this especially goes for meat.
-Has gills(in a part of his mane, would not be practical for a creature that needs to breathe) and lungs but needs no oxygen to survive, it's unclear why his species still has these organs
-Isn`t sexually interested in humans or anything too close to one
-If you sing well he loves you
-He is a magical being but doesn`t really have any magical talents other than shifting between monstrous and human form and glowing eyes or jewlery.
-Prefers to stay in monster form and usually is in this form
-Needs to eat meat to survive
-Species isn`t usually sapient the way he is-most never even leave their ponds to try and learn. Seen as wild beasts usually.
-Despite living a long time is a dumb-dumb when it comes to history that he didn`t personally experience
-Please don`t ask him about money, or politics, or complex math, or history... He knows languages real good and is rust as heck about everything else.
-Enjoys cuddling and physical contact, doesn`t care who with

 || Guard|| 

Class ||

  • Speed | 0/4
    • Temporary bonus | [Item] | [Link to purchase]
  • Defense | 1/4
    • Temporary bonus |
  • Attack | 0/4    
    • Temporary bonus |
  • Intelligence | 0/4    
    • Temporary bonus |

Tracker || docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…