Gwendolyn Barclay



5 years, 10 months ago


Gwendolyn "Gwen" Barclay || 11 as of 1991, 18 as of the Battle of Hogwarts || April 13th, 1980 || Female || Gryffindor

-- Pureblood; family relations are tense due to her father becoming a Death Eater, mother was a kind witch who did what she could for her only daughter

-- Pet is a barn owl named Merlyn; she thought it was funny, but it fit him since he seemed to judge her whenever she did anything remotely stupid.

-- Main desire is to learn as many spells and charms as she can; she knows how dangerous the world can be and considers knowledge a power. 

-- Gryffindor with Ravenclaw tendencies ; excels in Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts, average in Charms and History of Magic, and mediocre in Potions and Herbology. Picks up Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies later on.
-- Also eventually takes Apparition classes in Year 7.

-- When taught about Animagi in Year 3, she became fascinated with them and decided she would research and train to acquire the skill in her later years at school. She eventually succeeds in Year 6 and her animagus is a Samoyed, a white fluffy dog though much smaller in comparison to the actual dog breed. 

-- hi hello seamus