Vivian Valentine



5 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Vivian Valentine


25? Yeah, 25! 25 sounds good. (Technically 70 or 80 but who's counting?




Singer, Dancer, Actress, Con-artist, she's done it all baby!


5'9", 125 lbs


July 15th







Vivian is rather tall at 5'9" and her tall heels and hair only add to her height. She has an hour glass figure. Her arms and legs are oddly long and thin. She has big hands and long skeletal fingers. She has a long face and nose, and her eyes are droopy and sunken in with dark circles. It appears as if she never sleeps. Her skin is very thin and pale. She has long pointed ears, a pointy chin, pointed nails, a pointy nose...okay so pretty much everything about her is pointy.

Vivian's fashion choice could be described in one word; expensive. Whether she's wearing long draping gowns, tacky party dresses, or the most ridiculous high fashion, she'll be content as long as it costs more than what the average joe makes in a year. Formfitting clothes, tights, chokers, hoop earnings, and high heels do crop up a lot. She mainly wears pinks, purples, blacks, and other dark colors. Her hair is usually styled in a bouffant and she wears a lot of makeup.


Vivian at her core, is a total drama queen, she's petty and snide, and she's not afraid to tell you that your shoes don't match your shirt. Vivian firmly believes that there's no such thing as bad publicity, all attention is good attention, and she'll do what ever she can to keep it on herself. Is prone to bouts of self pitying, and is incredibly entitled. 

She's very theatrical and loves putting on a show, and can be very over dramatic and hammy. She loves to hear herself talk and could have a conversation about anything for hours. She can be kind of an airhead, but is quick to anger. She's matured a bit for the 70 or 80 years she's been alive, but not much. Is hedonistic as heck. Kinda depressed about the whole vampire thing but would rather die again than admit it.


Vivian grew up unsatisfied with the dull life on her family's farm. Unlike her parents, she knew there was something more to life than plowing fields and milking cows. With no entertainment besides a dinky Television set, Vivian quickly discovered her true calling. She dreamed of preforming on a lit up stage, thousands of people chanting her name. She dreamed of glamorous gowns and diamonds. She dreamed of signing autographs to her adoring public. She was completely taken with the movie star lifestyle. 

After a nasty fight with her parents, she ran away from home with nothing but the clothes on her back. It didn't matter to her, this was just one step closer to her goal. But a girl's got to make a living somehow. She promises herself that she'd only pull one con-job, but one turns to two and two turns to three and three turns to four and four turns into enough money for a bus ticket to Hollywood.

After auditioning countless times, she quickly becomes a rising star in the B movie film circuit, with some shady singing gigs on the side. It's not as glamorous as she hoped, but that doesn't mean she can't live like it is. Unfortunately "living like it is" involves moving into a loft you can't afford, maxing out your credit card, and going into extreme dept.

She plans to go on one last job, for old times sake. Only the fella she planned on duping was not nearly as dumb and docile as she figured, and things went south real fast. Next thing she knows, she's as dead as her career. Except she wasn't. And she was hungry.
