


9 years, 5 months ago


Name: Tiana
Age: ??? (Minispris Character, though I never got in)
Gender: Female
Height: 2 ft
Hair Color: Red
Hair Style: short, red.
Eye Color: Green
Personality: Likes to care for others: Whenever she sees somebody crying/sad, she’ll try to cheer them by giving him/her some herbs she collected. Easily hurt emotionally. She rarely speaks in crowds, but if you’re really close to her, She’ll be glad to chat~ No fighting around her or she’ll get mad and use her pepper spray!
Bad Habits: Using pepper spray too easily
Talents: Knows a lot of herbs and know how to make them to use. (She made her own pepper spray!)
Pets: A wild Seedling, she made friends with it by feeding it herbs 

More info on her

Things to Remember when drawing her:
She has a body marking on her right arm.
Please! She's shy, don't draw her with a mega huge grin or something. OTL
She stores herbs that she collected in her bags and pockets
Her necklace desu!
Her bag looks something like this.