


9 years, 4 months ago


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Name: Jikan
Age: ??? 
Date of Birth: ???
Gender: Male
Height: approximately 180cm
Weight: D8
Hair Color: Very, very light grey, almost white.
Hair Style: refer to ref above.
Eye Color: Icy blue
Personality: Firm, very inflexible and stubborn. Hard to negotiate terms when he has decided to do something.  Rarely smiles, but if he does, it's usually Umei only who sees it. As time, he is responsible for making sure that things happen according to the sequence that Umei (Fate) has written down or planned. 
Principle behind her desgin:  
Patterns on sleeve - I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII (Roman Numerals 1~12) representing the 12 hour markings on a clock
Chinese Characters on piece of jade -   壹,貳, 參, 肆, 伍, 陸, 柒, 捌, 玖, 拾, 拾壹, 拾貳 (1~12); Can be replaced by Roman Numerals. Same representation as the patterns on sleeve
Piece of Jade - acts as a clock, used to keep track of time.
Black feather pendant - used to write down people's fate and the time it should happen when Umei is writing with her White feather pendant
Bad Habits: ???
Wife: Umei