


9 years, 5 months ago


Name: Senka (泉音)
Age: 17
Date of Birth: Jan 14th
Gender: Female
Height: 174cm
Weight: ???
Hair Color: white, with a very light hint of light blue
Hair Style: butt long, tied into 2 bunches with 2 ribbons
Eye Color: light blue
Personality: A Peacemaker. Innocent, easily gets depressed or frustrated when she does things wrong or forgets something.
Bad Habits: under development
Talents: Is capable of drawing, writing calligraphy, dancing and playing music a little above standard. Especially likes music and experiments with different instruments often. Able to use (small amount of) water magic

Senka's Story:
Senka lives in an ancient country where 7 kings are constantly fighting each other for status, power and land. Her father was the king with the highest status and power in the country. When she was in her mother's womb, the entrire family wanted the baby to be a boy, so the child would be able to take up the place of the father on his throne. The parents named their child "Senka", which meant wartime fire(戦火), and hoped that the child would be able to perform as well as the king did to give their people good lives to live. However, when she was born, her parents discovered that she was a girl and were extremely disappointed. Nevertheless, they put the girl into their servants' care, where they took good care of the girl. Senka started to learn all the basics of what a girl should know: drawing, calligraphy, dance, and music, which she loved the most. Since war was frequent and she have been taken to the sidelines of war numerous times, she found music to have a sharp contrast - while sounds of war were rough and loud, music was soft and elegant and pleasant to the ears. She especially loved a song that one of her closest servants taught her, a song about a place where a small village by a waterfall exists, and all the people there lived happily without the worries of the frightful wars outside. At the age of 17, she decided to sneak out of her home to find this place that the song described. She went through the forest, the most deserted place in her country, and searched, but no village was to be found. Tired, she sat by a small spring of water and started to hum her favorite song. She slowly and unconsciously drifted off to sleep.  When she woke up, she found herself lying on the bank at the bottom of a waterfall, and gathered underneath the waterfall was a small lake, with dozens of houses scattered around the riverbank. Senka had found the village she was looking for. A friendly looking housewife pulled her hand and invited her into her humble little cottage, where she explained that the village was hidden as everyone living there used their magical abilities to build a barrier between the outside world. She asked if Senka wanted to be a villager an live there too. Senka agreed without hesitation. Before she went to learn magic from the village's old mage, she changed her name to "泉音", meaning "spring melody", as a sign to forget her past as a king's daughter. She chose to learn water magic from the mage, with the symbolic meaning that she would be able to "extinguish" the wartime fires. Since the old mage was able to read Senka's memories and knew that Senka was a king's daughter, he wiped out parts of Senka's memories so that she will not remember her identity. Due to this, Senka is often forgetful and may sometimes get depressed because she is not able to recall past events properly. Senka now lives in the cottage of the housewife and has a peaceful life with other villagers, playing music everyday in the woods of the village, playing with little kids and animals.