


5 years, 6 months ago


Janus is a being from a world comprised of spirits that have no physical elements. One day they found a portal into the world of Vesta, a world very similar to earth. They wandered around for a few eons, being called a god by some cultures, sparking the belief of  a 'two-faced god'. Janus was the name that they were given before they were trapped within a bracelet for a few centuries. They are intrigued by humans but all in all are very adamant about being true to all sides of one's self, growing annoyed at people who only pretend to be completely good or completely evil. They are in a sense the embodiment of free will and accepting yourself and your desires, which is a part of how they were trapped within the bracelet.

 Janus is completely chaotic and one can never know what this genderfluid deity will do next. While they do not do anything completely against Askr (at least not yet), their actions have been known to cause trouble for the others, though strangely enough it seems that whatever they do, the heroes affected end up either in a better situation than they were before (ex: ended up spending time with their crush while chasing Janus who stole their weapons) or ended up avoiding bad or dangerous situations (ex: they get up from the bench they were sitting on to scold Janus just in time to avoid being hit by a falling piece of the castle that destroyed the bench they sat on). It is unclear to everyone else just where exactly Janus’ loyalties lie, if they have any, as well as what their goals are. When Vesta asks, they merely laugh within her head and say that she will see “when our desires are one and we return to your world, if that is where you choose to go”.

S-Support: Gunnthra

Janus ends up taking more and more of an interest within her, while Gunnthra  sees the somewhat fragile side of Janus. Janus spent eons traveling Vesta's world, which is why there are so many two-faced gods within multiple places such as sumeria and rome, they simply took to the name Janus the most out of all the names the humans gave them. They had come from a different land long ago, a realm where spirits were common, but Janus had slipped through a portal and found themselves within Vesta's world. Janus still does not know if they wish to return to their own world, which is part of why they are waiting to see Vesta's decision, to see what they will choose in the end. When with Gunnthra, Janus enjoys making her smile and finds themselves wanting to please her, often bringing random gifts that may seem strange to some.