
5 years, 6 months ago




Bane's Friend


Age: 33
Status: Single
Height: 3'10
Orientation: Ay sexual
Fluxar she/her
Alignment: Lawful Nuetral
Bansik brown blood
Occupation: Works in A Pet Store


  • Dumb jokes
  • Animals
  • Drawing
  • Reading


  • People looking at her
  • Bugs
  • She cant wear cute clothes without judgement and it makes her UPSET


  Her childhood was rather lonely, she was an only child and her triants barely paid any mind to her. She understood they were busy but it did always weigh on the back of her mind. Leaving her with some feelings of inadequacy. Oh well.
  She works closely with Bane, cleaning the animal rooms and delivering food for them. It’s not hard for them to realize they have a lot in common and they become friends over time. Luna is usually the type to keep to herself. Bane isn’t the easiest to get close too either, but she thinks they could both relate. She can see Bane and her both have some issues social and they work together on that. They’re very close at this point.
  She’s a very kind person and a great listener. She likes reading and drawing things. She’s even helping Bane get back into photography, doing silly poses and hunting for fun outfits to dress up in together.
  She’s there for the good times and the bad times like, you know she’ll be there for you no matter what. She makes Bane feel safe, she’s provided a friendship for him like he never thought he’d have again, and he’s very thankful for that. She’s helping him with a lot of his issues which in turn, makes her a little less lonely.
  She discovers it’s nice to have someone to talk to for once, instead of just listening to others. Though she still does a lot of that. Bane has a lot of problems. She kind of wishes he’d just move on sometimes but she can understand it's hard for him.
  She and Bane are both shy when it comes to new people but she’s trying to find out some way to help Bane get more friends? She encourages him to flirt with people and be a real cool guy. Trying to keep his mind of all the past stuff. She likes making silly jokes and stuff. She never really thought she’d be able to open up like that to anyone, and she’s very glad she can.
 They bros for life 💪
