Theo Deòireach



8 years, 7 months ago


Birthname Theo Deòireach
Title(s) Spirit Beholder, Guidance
Era(s) I-VI
Race Urs
Gender Male
ETHNICITY Northern Drey
ALIGNMENT Protagonist
Status Single by vow
Personality Stats
Intelligence ●●●●●●●●●○
Creativity ●●●●●●●○○○
Confidence ●●●●○○○○○○
Humor ●●●○○○○○○○
Empathy ●●●●●●●●○○
Charisma ●●●●●○○○○○
Birth Parents Beolagh and Eimaer Deòireach 
HTML Code by Vom
I've always preferred the sidelines, but it seems fate has something different for me in mind.

Theo Deòireach is a self (rather, god-fated) beholder whose sole purpose in life is to lead the chosen Valar and Sephtis spirits holders to their prophesied fate in resorting the world into balanced order.


Theo was born in the Urs village known on the map as Norwich and there he lived as an only child to his parents, Beolagh and Eimaer. He was considered a "runt" and was often picked on, leading him to rely more on books and studying than anything else- much to his father's dismay. He was struck by religious texts and studies, and spent most of his time learning about the ancient Syvatoye and Aelurus races that lived long before him, as well as the fates behind the brotherly deities Heijing and Huijian. The relationship between his father grew cold over the years, as he deemed Theo's studies as "useless knowledge".

He and his father were enlisted into the "Battle of Fearghaile" (a smaller battle set into a larger war between Dreylar and Suzjiing, located in western Vesely). Theo was anything but a fighter, but he did as told. He witnessed his father's death and out of fear, grief, and overall panic from the bloody and active battlefield, Theo fled north and left the rest of the men to die. With everyone (his mother Eimaer included) thinking he had died too in the battle, Theo wept to himself and called himself out on his cowardice and failure to protect his father. Accepting his fate of either freezing to death or being eaten by Drey wolves first, he suddenly noticed old carvings on the trees around him- the words and runes were of Ancient Syvatoye. Because of his infatuation of the culture, he was able to translate:

"Fear not when the night is long,
'for guidance shall lead the way,
back to the days of light, stray away from the endless sea
when the sun and moon align, and disorder arises
the world can be brought back to it's balance,
only together by two"

By uttering the words before him, he was approached by a many-eyed crow that was watching him from inside the tree above. It was impressed by his knowledge of Old Syvatoye and told him of the prophecy the runes had meant; that the world was destined to end because of Heijing, but there was a way to stop it. By "something that was done before". The crow had offered Theo a way to make himself anew; to give him purpose in the time he had lost it. To seek out "the two" and help them bring balance back to the world before Heijing could destroy it. Theo graciously accepted and the crow bestowed upon him an eternal life, in return, Theo must keep his promise. He must not stray away from destiny (meaning no distraction- family, life partner, anything). The fate of the world was now in his hands, and he set off to Nouveau, where rumour had spread that the Valar spirit holder had made itself known.



Work in progress...


Work in progress...


Work in progress...


Work in progress...


Skills & Abilities

Head in the Clouds
He is very religious and can sometimes have visions and whatnot.
A Man of Many Tongues
Theo has learned, over many years, all languages of Eyia (including Old Syvatoye and Aelurus) but his mother tongue is Drey.
Ronda Navidale | Admired
Ronda is perhaps his closest friend, he admires her greatly and if not for the vow he had made to the crow many years ago, perhaps he would love her.
Hans has always given Theo trouble, starting back from the rebellion in which the two first met. It's safe to say that Theo fears Hans greatly, as he knows first-hand what he's capable of.
Osiria averdeen| Guidance
Not just because Osiria is the Valar bound into mortal form, but the two had always been close and she keeps him safe.