John Kertesz



8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


John Nethanel Kertesz





Date of Death

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Part of Deviantart RP group E-F-F-I-G-Y.

Background: From an early age, John had a simple and idealistic vision of his future. He figured he would get a decent office job young, climb the corporate ladder until he could make his fortunes, and then somewhere along the line meet a nice young girl to fall in love with, marry, and have a family.

However, his American dream was squandered faster than expected when he actually made it to the working world. Sure, John got his office job- and sure he did rise above his cruddy entry level busy work all within a relatively quick time range for his age- but that was where everything fell short. Assistant to the Chief Marketing Officer. At the time it had sounded great- a job where John could let his talents shine and show what an asset to the company he truly was.

Instead he was making copy runs- making phonecalls- creating graphs and data plots and all other menial tasks which his boss was taking to pawning off on him now. Despite all of the data he painstakingly compiled and did overtime for on his boss' behalf, he had no voice in any meetings or in the company. No matter the increase in overtime and the more and more questionable errands (I'm supposed to go buy you lunch from this restaurant on the other side of town? Really??) he couldn't find the voice to speak up in protest. He was being walked all over and he knew it. He had been made into his boss' bitch and it made his blood boil.

But if he brought it up, he'd be dismissed by his colleagues, and if he quit, he'd have to start right at the bottom ring of the ladder again.

So he continued his unappreciated work, despite how it ruined his chances at personal relationships due to a lacking time as well as stress. He grew more bitter, but he kept on, after all- if he worked hard enough life had to owe him something, right?

Apparently life didn't owe him shit.

So here he is now.

Despite having a fiery spirit John has a destructive tendency to let people walk all over him and push him around as they please. Dying has loosened his tongue and he tends to vent his frusterations now as opposed to the past, but he's still likely to curse more about misfortunate and arbitrary things rather than people to avoid confrontation.
He has a pretty dark and cynical sense of humor- even verging on the tone of bitter, perhaps. Since luck has never been on his side in life, he figures it's the only way he can stay ahead. 
Socially, while John might not necessary be the delight of all delights, he does genuinely love conversation. He's prone to striking up small talk with strangers despite any awkwardness and will gladly ramble or rant to a willing person.