


8 years, 3 months ago



Basic Information
Crafted 3 years ago
Meticulously Kind
West Pine's Child First Daycare
Understands English, Spanish and some french. Does not speak but can bark or growl.
Theme Song
Easel never really was any one thing. Instead she was whatever the children needed her to be. A canvas, a protector, a friend. All for them. Always for them. Because they needed her, and Easel needed to be needed.
― The Storyteller

Easel is a pillowing whose owner runs a daycare where Easel helps with the children as a sort of classroom pet.


Easel in her unpainted form is white with blue tips to her ears. She's made of polyester, and very soft to the touch. She can be painted in any color, with any shapes or patterns. Usually, only children are allowed to paint her, but rarely some adult artists can for specific events. Her ears should never be painted.


Easel loves the kids at her daycare. She lets them pull at her, paint her, and talk at her for hours without even the slightest sign of annoyance. She's also very protective of them, keeping them safe as best she can. As for adults, well, she's apathatic to almost all of them but her owner. Her owner's friends get special consideration because they make her owner happy. Easel is very loyal to her owner, even if prone to sass her from time to time.


Easel was original created to be a service pillowing. Her owner deals with POtS, and having a soft companion by her side at all times helped to reduce the risk of falls. However, Easel was a bit too small for the job. Her owner took a nasty fall and grabbed onto the tips of Easel's ears to try and steady herself, tearing them off. Her owner repaired the ears with fabric from one of her first toys, but the damage was clear. After that, her owner knew that she would need to find another solution. In the meantime, her owner had started running a small daycare. Easel was brought along one day as a treat for the kids, and she did so well with them that her owner decided to bring her regularly. Soon enough, Easel was the mascot for the daycare and spent the majority of her time caring for the kids.

Once Easel had settled into her role at the daycare, her owner bought a second pillowing. Kai, who was custom made to help her owner with her POTS. Her owner still loved Easel, and Kai certainly made for a good addition to the family, but some part of Easel felt that she had failed in her designed purpose. Still, she had a new purpose now, her kids. She would not fail them. Easel threw herself into her job as the kid's caretakers. On one notable day, she even attacked a parent after the kid confessed that said parent had hit them the day before. Luckily, her owner believed that Easel would never hurt someone without just cause, and unconvered what had happened. After that, Easel had cemented her role in her kids' lives. Those who have moved on to new programs still try to come back and visit when they can.



Easel loves her owner dearly, even though she can't help but feel that she let her down by not being enough. Still, she takes the new role her owner gave her very seriously. Her owner also tries her best to make sure that Easel isn't left out of anything. If Kai gets to go somewhere, Easel gets to go too. Both sleep with their owner at night, and both get the same amount of nightly care.


Kai and Easel have a complicated relationship. Easel doesn't want to be bitter towards Kai. She wants to be greatful that they take care of their owner, and that Kai has saved their owner's life before. Kai is always kind towards Easel as well, understanding when Easel was jealous when Kai first came home, always being sure not to dominate their owners time. But some part of Easel will always see Kai as a representation of her failures. It's a petty, bitter, shameful part of her that she tries to ignore, but it's there nonetheless.


Annie is a lintling that one of the children accidentally brought in one day. She had hitched a ride in their backpack, trying to get a shiny set of bottons. Ever since she got into the daycare, she's set about making as much of a mess as she can. And Easel's done everything in her power to get Annie out. Despite this, Easel has grown fond of Annie over the years. They'll play their games of cat and mouse, it gives Easel a chance to work out some of her bad feelings and lets her be imperfect for a time. Easel would never actually hurt Annie, not anymore. Nor would she allow another pillowing to hurt her. Annie goes out of her way to make Easel have a little fun from time to time, so the other doesn't get too locked into what others want of her.


  • Easel has been painted for art shows four times before, though once she only made it half the night before finding a puddle to roll in.
  • Her favorite marking is when her owner gives her a forehead kiss after putting on lipstick, she'll go out of her way to avoid a bath in order to make those last as long as possible.
  • Easel does actually enjoy her nightly go-rounds in the washing machine. To her it feels as if she's becoming new again.