
5 years, 6 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$100 - $150

Basic Info




Name: Ciara (key-ra)

Sex: Demisexual Female

Age: 20s-30s

Blood Type: O-

Race: Demi-Demon 


Movement Prediction=Utilizing information such as the movement of muscles and clothing, is able to read the movement of the wind around them.

Athleticism=Displays abnormally high levels of raw athleticism, with strength, stamina, agility, and reaction times

Wind=The spirit of wind whispers secrets and information into her ear, it also helps and informs her about her surrounding and threats.

Height: 5'5

Personality: Quirky & Laid Back

Occupation: Traveler/Trader

Likes: Food, Parkour, Heights, Traveling, Naps, Information, Collecting

Dislikes: Greedy people, Tight places, Being woken up from a nap, Food with no flavor, People calling her noisy (even though she is)

Ciara is a trader by nature, though instead of money (most of the time) she has a tendency to ask for things that peek her interest at the time such as, clothing, jewelry, or random odd nick-knacks. Though one of her favorite things to trade for is information. 

Ciara has a bit of a quirky tendency to walk on the balls of her feet, no reason for it really it is just something she has done sense she was a child. She is also never one to sleep much or for long, believing there is to many places to see and foods to eat, she tends to take naps though about 3-5 hours a few times a day/night, if you see her napping do not for any reason wake her up!