Captain Oliver Wendon



5 years, 5 months ago


Name Oliver Wendon
Age 37
Gender Male
Height 6’ 4”
Weight 220lbs
Sexuality Pansexual
DOB June 18th
Blood Type O-
Build Lean and toned
Race Half-Harpy
Specialty Piracy
Class Bard
Role Captain


Self Controlled


  • Captain’s a moderate sized vessel by the name of “The Falkland”. While smaller than most sea-bound ships, his is faster and stealthier.
  • When choosing to dock for extended periods of time, he resides in the port town of Merleigh in the state of Treven.
  • Choice weapon is a rapier although he is proficient with daggers and can use spears and tridents with moderate success.
  • Despite having wings he can not currently fly, though he can glide and use his wings to slow his descent from high locations.
  • Feathers run up both of his arms, thinning out as they reach the shoulders. There are also some feathers at the nape of his neck as well groin feathers. The smaller the feathers, the softer they are.
  • His harpy bird species is a cockatoo.

Oliver Wendon


Oliver Wendon would first and foremost be described as a ”charmer”. Social and affectionate by nature he can also be extremely fickle with a short fuse and quick temper. Shiny and expensive things are the object of his desire and after obtaining treasure, he sometimes has a hard time parting with it as he becomes sentimental over it.

Wendon is the captain of a small but very fast and stealthy pirate ship. He has dedicated his life to the sea, the sky and his crew and spends much of his time exploring native islands, plundering royal ships, and scouring for other pirate’s treasures.

Being a half human - half harpy, he retains some slight magical properties from his harpy mother including noxious dusts that can be released from his feathers to keep foes as bay, the ability to charm weaker minds, and control over storm winds. While he tries to keep it to himself, some of his magic is also derived from his bardic nature. He enjoys singing and playing stringed instruments like lutes, guitars and ukuleles, however shy and secretive he might be about it.



  • Gold, Treasure & Valuables
  • Exciting sexual escapades
  • Adventure
  • Music & Dancing


  • Confined Spaces
  • Loneliness
  • Small Children
  • Felines & Cat-folk


Born of a human father and harpy mother, his birth was attempted to be kept a secret because relations between the two species is considered an abomonation. When he was inevitably discovered as an infant, his father pled that he was tricked and seduced by the harpy in an attempt to direct the attention away from baby Oliver. In reaction to that admittance a large band of fighters set out from the small seaside village to hunt down the accused harpy. When they found the harpy nest, they slaughtered every bird-woman in sight including Oliver’s mother and feeling that was not enough, when they returned from their hunt they ripped baby Oliver from his father’s arms and cast him out over the seaside cliff into the water below.

Blessed with buoyant feathers it kept his tiny body afloat long enough to be discovered by a humble fishing crew. Being men of the sea with few learned prejudices of settled towns or cities they chose to save the baby and raise him on their own. Through them he learned how to sail, manage a crew, navigate the oceans, fight, fish, gamble, steal, and charm hearts with song. Once old enough, he sought out on his own, founded a crew, pirated a ship, and dedicated his life to filling the voids in his heart with gold, precious stones and treasures. He longs to know of his true parents but without any ideas where to begin looking, he roams the seas with his loyal crew seeking adventure and plunder.


Vallix Half Brother


Although Wendon is not aware, he does in fact have an older half brother. They share the same mother but two different fathers, Vallix’s father being a full blooded harpy and Wendon’s father being a human. Blaming Wendon and his birth for the death of his mother and the entire harpy nest where they lived, Vallix has sworn to track down his brother and kill him in an act of vengeance for his people and for their mother.

Xiophel Love Interest



Name relationship


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Name relationship


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna.