Sirius Salem Blackmoon



5 years, 6 months ago



Sirius Salem Blackmoon



"Must be blind to think otherwise."


22,000 years

"That's 22 in your "human" years"

*Average life span is around 500,000 years or 500 in human years.*




169 lbs

Body type:

"Alright listen baby i have a eight pack, biceps to kill, and a ass so tight it can put a body builder to shame any day."


Zhamvy {Taste, Kate Evangelista, novel}

*It is a deviant version of the popular zombie the consumption of live flesh is needed to live but only that of the skin not of the organs and brain like common pop culture displays.*

Special abilities:

Enhanced hearing, speed and healing, about 10 times that of a average healthy human.


Sirius is quick witted, strong, intelligent, inappropriate, he has trust issues, unstable with relationships. He can often be dark seeing the most grim outcome for things. Sirius tends to be blunt and inappropriate in his own very laid-back manner. He is also quite sarcastic though outgoing when he puts his mind to a person or project mostly projects, He does have a little dangerous streak in him when it comes to little hobbies spurred on by the advanced healing and heightened senses lending to his ego he enjoys a good rush.

Extra info:

He is directly related to the Blackmoon family line and heavily carries many of their traits. Like his pointed ears, jet black hair, and black instead of white for his sclera (the white of the eye).

The Blackmoon family is a prestigious and renown family among his species and one that is even royal so by birth right Sirius is a prince.

His birthday is on the 5th of November.

His favorite holiday is Halloween and his favorite candy salted caramel taffy.

He dies the tip and the under side of his hair golden blonde cause he says it assents his beauty and he like the color.


Sex, Human flesh, a good well aged whiskey maybe a peppermint flavored vodka in a pinch, crows, getting under peoples skin and playing with them (hobby), flashy outfits that show his majesty off well, things with gold like embroidery and rings, a well made blueberry, strawberry, and chocolate chip pancake with Canadian maple syrup (Secret pleasure), a relaxing evening in the woods around late summer early fall, a good, like genuinely good horror movie, pantyhose (thinks they are sexy on a woman), decent night out on the town late at night, deer, 


Pot, cigars, cigarettes and other drugs (has a distaste for the dulling of his senses and the smell of the stuff), being stereotyped as a brain eater, responsibility, "stupid" rules, gross smelly things and loud people and high pitched noises, lies, 


Sirius was what one would call a trash can baby. He was carried, born, and then dumped in a back alley trash can somewhere up in Vermont if it had not been for a maid following the very pregnant servant of the crown prince to the Blackmoon family at the time he would have soon suffered and died on that cold snowy night in November. The servant Adriana raised him as her own child aside her very disapproving husband Markus. When he was around only 10 human years old he questioned his foster father on the reason behind their hair color difference as they both had light brown hair while he had dark black. Adriana tried to quickly change the subject before her husband butted in and told him he had been dumped. Little Sirius was torn and broken the next few months trying to understand why his mother and father lied to him all this time and why his real parents didn't want him so he sat down and demanded answers from them and his mother told him everything he wanted to know. That he was the rightful first born heir to the rich and powerful Blackmoon family that ruled half of their very species in partner with the Fairwell family kingdom. He had two half brother Henrik and Sebastian and his father was of course the now crowned king Salvatore Blackmoon and his wife Elsie Blossom The daughter to a duke. His mother had had a affair or something with the now crowned king what happened to her getting pregnant she didn't know but that his mother did what she did  to save herself. She dumped cause if it was found she had given birth to the crowned princes child and she was no of proper blood lines not only would the price most likely suffer she and her child would have been killed. Sirius raged with anger for many days and nights but eventually settled down until he was around 13 in human years he declared to his parents that he was going to announce to the kingdom what had happened to him and take his his proper place and that he'd take them with him to live in the palace forever cause he couldn't live with what had been done. It was only after his parents begged and pleaded for him to think about what would happen if he id this did he realize he was a intentionally cast off bastard to the crowned king but if he stood out in public no one or not very many would believe such a thing. Though if he went to the king himself he and his parents could simply be executed to save the face of the royal family. He had no way out to right this wretched wrong so he stayed at home and lived his modest life till he could learn to control his hunger around more than a few humans at a time and he'd make himself a home with the humans far away from the rest of his kind for a while. When he turned 18 in human years he set off on his own with a final decision in mind that one day he would bring down the royal that he was related to and if they wished his half brothers would go to once he had a little fun first and thought out how to actually do it.