


5 years, 7 months ago


name: Damon

nicknames: Dollie, Smol Boi

age: ???

birthday: September 7 (when he was made ) 

gender: Male

pronouns: He/Him

height: 11.5 inches 

orientation: ?????

species: Doll

occupation: N/A


Damon was made in a old cabin by a old man. He made many dolls in his past time, he used a potion or spell to bring the dolls alive. They played in the Cabin night and day. One day the old man died, the dolls were in the cabin all alone. His body still in the cabin making it smell, the dolls only had him and he died. 

Months later someone came into the cabin he was young looking, and he saw the old man on the ground dead. He picked him up and placed him outside. He saw dolls placed everywhere on the ground. He got all the dolls that the old man-made and placed them in boxes. The dolls were scared, they didn't know where they were going.

 He went to the human dimension and sold the dolls, Damon got sold to this girl, she played with him, and he started to like her. But months later she changed, she started to tear old his arm off and drown him in water. She was doing awful things to him, for years she tortured him until she was 14 years old. She placed Damon on a high shelf and never played with him again. He left the house when he got a chance. 

He was weak and stiff, people reported that the dolls that he sold had disappeared never to be found after a few day, months or even years. He didn't know where he was, everything was a giant compare to him, he was small but still visible so he had to be carful not to Ben seen by the humans. He wondered for days, he didn't know where he was going. Every day he became weaker and weaker until he couldn't make move. He actually became a real doll.

 Everything blacked out, then he woke up in a cabin it looks like the same one he used to live it. All the dolls were here, good as new. He noticed is arms were back, and he had a different pair of clothes. Then the door opens it was him, the guy who sold the dolls. The dolls looked at him and gave him an angry look, he explained himself. He was the son of the old man, and when he noticed he made a huge mistake he took all the dolls back and brought them back to the midnight zone, fixed them up as good as new. He asked forgiveness from the dolls, and the dolls accepted the apology. 


♥ He doesn't like being messed with 

♥ He doesn't like humans at all 

♥ Sometimes he has nightmares of being tortured by the little girl

♥ He wants to be taller because it's hard to get around being short af

♥ One of his fear is to be stepped on

♥ He doesn't like water, scared of drowning