


5 years, 7 months ago


It's my Deadland's character, if you know the table top game, then you might know more about the story.
He's a necromancer/healer.
Also a pacifist.
This gonna be fun to play.
Also it's kind old, which is why my signature and artstyle is different, I was using a different program, a vector one instead of a Vexel one.

Enough drawing background


From the deep swamps of Louisiana, the deep tangles of growth where even the bravest of hermits and witches dare not go, a single father was raising two kids. A boy, and a girl. The father having small magical abilities, the mother running after she found out years after the children were born. The father fled with the kids, the older sister being 8 at the time and the young boy being 5. The father made monthly trips into town for supplies and selling things they harvested in the deep growth. The years passed by, the family adjusting to the new life and the dangers that came of it, for the first few years the boy and girl weren't allowed out of the house. The boy, who was named Ankh, grew up and finding out about his inherited magical abilities. His father taught him and helped him improved as much as possible. About the time that the sister was 23, and Ankh was 20, their father died, not coming back from the swamps. The sister, who remembered how much the magic screwed their life, kicked out Ankh and sent him away, becoming a recluse and sending away the only family she had left. Ankh, made his way to town, wondering from there to deep north, knowing barely anything about the changed world.

And that's basically it, so far nothing much has happened in deadlands, I will update it when it expands.