Yukimura Kaiji



8 years, 7 months ago



Yukimura Kaiji

He/Him - 580 - MBTI



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Nunc non lorem commodo, lacinia ante ac, finibus nisi. Suspendisse a orci et eros varius faucibus eget in felis. Aenean est odio, egestas sit amet enim at, sagittis iaculis nisl. Suspendisse vitae ultrices nulla, euismod ullamcorper ante. Integer ultricies nec leo et varius. Sed augue elit, posuere eu aliquam volutpat, iaculis eget lorem. Aliquam a sodales leo, in pulvinar nisl. Nulla venenatis urna aliquam fermentum rutrum. Nunc in elit eget eros venenatis vestibulum. Maecenas semper interdum interdum. Etiam vel est lorem. Sed interdum gravida massa at elementum. Maecenas mollis ex consectetur scelerisque venenatis. Donec id viverra metus, eu mollis turpis. Suspendisse pulvinar dolor nec fermentum iaculis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


Conceited, arrogant, douche bag, egocentric, where was I? Yukimura is very much a bane to many people but he's loyal to those he deems worthy. He loves to tease and flirt and do anything to make people uncomfortable and is rarely uncomfortable himself. He finds people fascinating and is known to stalk people to watch them in their daily lives for the amusement. Getting close to him is going to be very hard. He is very secretive and hides a lot about himself, not unlike most the other teachers.




  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • BLOOD TYPE Unknown
  • SPECIES Nekomata
  • HEIGHT 5'7" Human||5'8" Humanoid Nekomata||Cat form can change sizes
  • RACE Japanese
  • VOICE Unknown
  • THEME Unknown


  • COLOUR Unknown
  • FOOD Unknown
  • ANIMAL Unknown
  • SPORT Unknown
  • NUMBER Unknown
  • SEASON Unknown
  • HOLIDAY Unknown
  • TIME OF DAY Unknown
  • GENRE Unknown
  • Anything he can eat
  • Shiny things
  • Cat naps
  • Playing pranks
  • Birds
  • Boring things
  • Being trapped
  • Being mocked
  • Being hungry
  • Dogs
  • Put miscellaneous facts about your character here.
  • This box will scroll.
  • Fusce nibh diam, gravida in turpis quis, placerat dapibus mauris.
  • Nulla feugiat condimentum vehicula.
  • Ut in malesuada odio, a facilisis tortor. Phasellus non est ut nisl ornare molestie a sed tellus.
  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Quisque tincidunt lacinia tempus. Aenean ipsum magna, porta in sagittis at, ullamcorper ut justo. Donec efficitur purus non ex vehicula commodo.
  • "Maecenas sed luctus nisl. Donec dictum lectus non diam elementum aliquet. Aenean eros odio, porttitor eget efficitur sed, ornare eget felis. Nam ut dui iaculis, dapibus odio eu, viverra leo."
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe hobby here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe hobby here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe hobby here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe hobby here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe habit here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe habit here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe habit here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe habit here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe strength here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe strength here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe strength here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe strength here.

  • His Shadow: A Nekomata can be found out by their shadow. Look for the tails to find this asshole.

  • Holy items: Anything blessed by a Shinto priest will screw his ass sideways.

  • High powered magical spells: Briefly describe weakness here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe weakness here.

  • Curse/Hexing, Dark Magic and Necromancy: Ranging from misfortune/Bad luck to illness and in rare cases death, he can hex anyone for a short period of time. His favourite? Make you trip all day. Thinks its a hoot and worse than death. Probably. He's also able to reanimate corpses for a short period of time. Usually Cats. Usually for twisted tea parties. Go figure.

  • Lightning: Zap zap. He can control balls of lightning. It can be quite the shocking outcome.

  • Enhanced Physical Abilities: Able to lift more than his own body weight and his punches and kicks can pack a powerful punch and can move at very fast speeds.

  • Dream Walking: Now I lay me down to sleep I pray that this bastard leaves me alone. Able to walk into dreams and mess with them. Only in his monster form though and he's thankfully more mischievous than cruel. Hopefully.

  • Stealth: Able to be extremely quiet. He REALLY loves to use this against the headmaster.

  • Power Augmentation: Able to power up allies if he feels like it. Can come in handy in a fight so get those bonds up!

  • Shape shifting: Can turn into any size of cat and can take on various altered forms of his human form. Doesn't change into others unless he's pulling a prank and this doesn't give him their abilities.

  • Matter Ingestion: He can eat anything. Nails. Boats. Street Signs. Keep him away from your shiny stuff if you don't want it eaten.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe goal here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe goal here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe goal here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe goal here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe fear here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe fear here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe fear here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe fear here.



Put your character's story here. This box will scroll.

Yukimura was a kitten raised by an old man in a small village in Japan back before the Sengoku period. As he grew, the old man taking care of him passed away, leaving him to the man's grandson. He was given many names through his life, but he had no name for his own. No one noticed that this cat lived longer than most. His tail grew longer before it forked, turning him into a yokai. Still, he hid this part of himself, enjoying the easy life. When the Sengoku period began, Japan was in warring states with many clans fighting. He moved home to home and was considered a lucky charm. Little did anyone know, many a troop was only destroyed because he was hungry and did not want to be suspicious. He would eat whole troops to fill himself up, thus making people believe that the clan that housed him would win.

It wasn't until the mid 1600s that he was given a permanent name. Sanada Yukimura was a samurai known for being the greatest ever lived. When the real Sanada Yukimura was killed, the nekomata was named after him by the brother of the warrior. In the night, due to hunger and no war to prompt his feedings, he found a village and slaughtered them all, filling his stomach and pushing him to live in the mountains only to feed on wary travelers.


Duis tellus arcu, mattis ut venenatis quis, mattis sed orci. Vestibulum maximus dolor ante, id pellentesque ipsum egestas eget. Quisque consectetur nisi eget lacus aliquet, quis mollis erat sagittis. Nam bibendum euismod lacus nec posuere. Suspendisse ac aliquam ante. Duis nec egestas quam. Fusce nisi ipsum, iaculis ac gravida eget, eleifend ac eros. Nulla facilisi. Cras vitae maximus libero. Nam laoreet, lacus at laoreet faucibus, odio odio ornare purus, sed semper quam leo vitae ante. Donec viverra leo nibh, eu molestie mauris cursus convallis. Pellentesque vel ipsum turpis. Donec imperdiet lacinia velit, sed eleifend mauris rutrum vel. Quisque sit amet eros orci. Quisque eu imperdiet mi. Suspendisse eget justo id enim hendrerit porttitor.

Nunc convallis leo mollis, varius augue non, faucibus metus. Nulla dolor tortor, vehicula eget ullamcorper at, ullamcorper quis nisi. Proin sollicitudin risus enim, vel feugiat felis ultricies ut. Sed mauris eros, tempor ut libero ut, dignissim aliquam risus. Ut pharetra eu mauris eget facilisis. Aliquam metus libero, imperdiet eu commodo non, rhoncus ut est. Suspendisse venenatis nulla et massa venenatis, non tincidunt justo elementum. Cras vel ipsum magna.


  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

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