


5 years, 10 months ago


Name Ibris
Gender Female
Age Young Adult
Race Demi-Goddess
Orient. Straight
Voice No Claim


Distant as a Goddess, she looked down upon the mortals with a curled lip and tight distaste. She wasn't rude exactly, but Ibris grew up with the mentality that all humans were below her.

That changed when mortals started worshiping her and building tributes. She looked upon them with kindness afterward and tried to be as helpful as possible.

After becoming a demon, she's more manic. An explosive personality, she has infinite energy. She's wild and talks loudly. Ibris doesn't understand modern human terms, so she tries to apply the slang she does understand to modern time.

Once a fair minor Goddess, Ibris was created from earth and Gemstone. She was of sane mind and healthy body.

One day, she helped a mortal man from a local village. They fell in love, though they had to hide it from both their families. They met under the cover of midnight.

One night, Monty, Ibris' lover, was followed. They were both found out, and Ibris was cursed to become a beast. Monty was forced to slay her. He couldn't do it, starting both their rebirth cycles.

Instead, he sealed her away for millennia in an inescapable, for a time being, prison. It was to ensure that his ancestors would forget about Ibris, and not go looking for her, as much as it hurt him, and would continue to hurt him.

After breaking free from her hold, which was underneath a prison in the future, a formless whisp, she hijacked a body. The body was a woman on death row. The body had most of her monster features, which began to fade over time along with her powers.

She spent many years searching for Monty's ancestor. It took her so long, as the mark she gave him to help her find him better also faded along with her powers.

She found Monty by busting into his place of work, startling both him and his future ex.

Currently, her's and Monty's-currently Timothy- relationship is a little on the rocks, and Ibris doesn't think Monty currently likes her. But seeing as he had his chance to get rid of her and he didn't take it, she thinks it can still work out for the better.

That, and the fact that her and Timothy "mated", though he seemed to be more Monty than Timothy, she doesn't mind. The only downside is that if Timothy doesn't slay her, or they're bonded through marriage, Ibris will lose all her powers, age rapidly, and then perish. If they're bonded through marriage, Ibris will keep all her powers, monster side and the benefits that came with it, and will sync her age with Timothy.


Humanoid Abomination

Bishonen Line

Badass Normal

Fiery Redhead

Rock Monster

She's a gemstone goddess, after all.

Color Motif



Her 'halo' isn't part of her corruption, she made it to make herself feel better.

Whenever Tim is annoyed at her, she mocks him with the fact that he didn't kill her when he had the chance.

Since Ibris hijacked a human’s body, she’s still getting used to it. She does actions that humans don’t do, such as speaking a bit too wise. Timothy laughs at her when she’s learning about the human world in closer contact.

Due to being alone for the majority of a millennium, she's very touched starved. Can be very clingy, which Timothy finds annoying; but tolerates it when he's drunk.

Ibris's favorite human movie is "Beauty and the beast"

There are few downsides to Ibris' monster form. She has impenetrable skin, large claws, and she seems to be irresistible to Timothy. She's okay with that last bit the most.

She bleeds gemstones.

Heard 'piece of shit' used between a couple once and now thinks it's a term of endearment.

She can't wear anything over her gemstones or else they start hurting.



Monty Her first human lover, she misses him so much.

Monty was a promising hunter in his village. On one of his nightly hunts, he strayed farther past the set boundary. As such, he became lost. Unknown to him, he was being followed.

Ibris, a minor Goddess of Gemstones took notice of him and followed him. She was intrigued by this mortal. Warned by her mother to stay away from humans, Ibris ignored all of that and helped the mortal home. She led him home with a trail of glowing gemstones. Monty, wary of the trail for fear it was a trap to lure him away, preceded slowly. When he returned to his village, he returned to whispers and curious glances. The village elder explained that the minor Goddess, Ibris, chose to help him as a favor and that he is now in her debt.

Ibris, the Goddess he only heard in passing. His mother collected gemstones, since she found them beautiful, and thus had a shrine to pay tribute to her. Monty never believed in her, since she was hardly mentioned at all among the other Gods and Goddesses. But if she helped him, he would return the favor. Ibris didn't want the mortal man in her debt, so she summoned him to talk face to face. Monty was smiting after hearing her voice the first time. Ibris of course, felt the same. They met in secret the following nights.


Timmothy Ibris loves it when Timothy's guard is down. She adores sucking information out of him to learn more about him as much as she possibly can. Ibris will tease the flirt out of him. Although Timothy doesn't like flirting, boy, Ibris will try as hard as she can too. She'll be extremely touchy with him, lots of hugging and physicalness, which Timothy secretly loves. When around Ibris, Monty comes out more in Timothy. Timothy doesn't like to admit that, of course, but Ibris really brings it out. Due to being alone for the majority of a millennium, she's very touched starved. Can be very clingy, which Timothy finds annoying; but tolerates it when he's drunk. Currently, their souls are bonded.