Pepto Bismol Brownie



5 years, 6 months ago


Name: Pepto Bismol Brownie (pepto brownie)
Rarity: SR  
Battle type: Support
Links with: Blondie
Dislikes: Grilled Brie, Shrimp chips
Recipe preference: Gold cake
Fallen angels: Sakura Spirit, Inugami

Summoned: "I am Pepto Bismol Brownie and I... Oh why are you making that expression?"
Log-in: "welcome back.. oh my you look pale, are you alright?"
Ice Arena: "I prefer warmth..."
Skill:  "take your medicine"
Ascend: "I will use this newfound strength to help you"
Fatigue: "I've done... all I can.. Im sorry"
Recovering: "medicine takes awhile.. please just a little longer"
Team Formation: "Thank you for the chance, I will not let you down"
Notice: "I hope this is more acceptable then I"
Knockout: "...I was not enough..."
Idle 1: "Ah did I scare you off?"
Idle 2: "are you avoiding me master attendant ? have I dont something wrong?"
Interaction 1: "How my I help you Master attendant? are you not feeling well?  
interaction 2: "....Yes I'm aware I am odd"
Interaction 3: "Why do you make that face when ever I am near?"

Back story

Pt 1 The first.

Light poured around me, I stood dazed for a moment as my eyes adjusted back from the light I had just been in. I Glanced around for a moment taking in my surroundings before my eyes landed on him, my master attendant. He looked old and Frail, but he was smiling so brightly at me. I stuttered out my introduction “Hello, I am Pepto Bismol Brownie and I hope that I can serve you well Master attendant.” Any remaining nervous feelings I had melted away as my master chuckled warmly “Can’t say I’ve ever heard of Pepto Bismol Brownie before.. but welcome dearie.” He waved his hand beckoning me to fallow him as he began to leave the room, I silently fallowed listening as he began to tell me how I would be helping him “I’m sorry Dearie I know you’re made to fight but I’m just too old to be going out to be fighting fallens anymore, I just need some food souls that can help me keep this place running, its getting harder and harder to move around these days.” I nodded my head smiling, this may not be what I expected when I thought of my first contract, But no matter what he needs, I will be there to provide it.

Pt 2. In the kitchen.

I wasn’t very good at cooking in the start, but even amongst the burnt dishes, all the ruined food, my master attendant was never angry with me. He was always so patient and kind to me, and after while he began to show me everything he knew. I picked things up relatively quickly, Master attendant was always telling me what a fast learner I was and how happy he was with the things I made. But really I was just working as hard as I could to make sure he was happy, to keep the restaurant he loved so dearly up and running. He didn’t get much help from his family after all, his children were adults now running their restaurant and from what the other food souls told me, He lost his wife long ago. Us food souls were all he had to keep this place running, especially as his failing health became more and more evident. I’d often hear him apologizing “Im sorry dearie.. I can’t keep standing like this.. I’ll just go lay down for awhile.. You can handle things right..?” I would always nod happily, most of the time helping him to bed before going back to work. But these became more frequent, and his time in bed would become longer and longer. I could tell as time when on getting up became a struggle for him. The work on us food souls piled up further, His oldest food soul and I Blondie bonded over our work, he was kind to me and together we took care of all the worries of restaurant life we no longer wanted to plague our master attendant. 

Pt 3. Care taker

Master attendant was struggling more and more, his health was failing him, it was harder for him to even stand these days, and far easier for him to get sick. “Can you.. take care of the cooking today?” I asked standing in a room alone with Blondie, rubbing my arms I continued “I’m sorry I know its probably going to be alot of work with out me today but master attendant..” Blondie waved his hand cutting me off “Pepto, Dont worry about it! I understand master attendant is suck again… He needs the care more then I need someone else in the kitchen with me.” He smiled already pushing me out of the kitchen “You go take care of him~ I’m sure he’d love the company anyways~” I hugged Blondie tightly muttering my thanks as I rushed upstairs to care for my master. I Knocked on the door gently entering his room He was up by now So I greeted him “Good morning master attendant, How are you feeling today?”  
He looked at me smiling but I could tell from his coughing he wasn’t okay “Oh hello dearie! Im alright but what are you doing?” I opened his curtains speaking “Well master attendant, taking care of you is just as important as running the restaurant! So if you will allow me I would like to work on caring for you, I would like to make you as comfortable as I can”
Master attendant  didn’t like admitting to needing care at first, but after while I spent all my time caring for him, I wasn’t in the kitchen anymore. Every waking moment of mine was dedicated to him, trying to improve his health or at the very least, keep him comfortable.  

Pt 4. Failure.  

I went up to my master attendants room carrying his breakfast up with me, he seemed to not be doing well last night, so I worked hard to make him the healthiest breakfast I Possibly could. I Pushed his door open quietly “Good morning master attendant, I’ve brought your breakfast. He didn’t stir, still asleep I assumed I walked over to him balancing the breakfast tray on one hand and I shook his shoulder “Master attendant?” He didn’t respond, he was breathing but, something wasn’t right. The breakfast I had brought up crashed to the floor as a I ran downstairs yelling for Blondie to get go get a doctor, anything, anyone who could help him. Blondie rushed out and I returned to my master attendant, he was still breathing but I could tell something was wrong he seemed so weak, there was no way I could even get him up, to get him anything that could help.
 I felt useless paralyzed. As soon as blondie returned with a doctor I was forced out of the room, Blondie and I waited anxiously outside of the room, it was hard to keep from crying, dread hung over the room. It wasn’t long before the doctor had come out, master attendant had died. It felt as though something had pierced though my heart at the news. I didn’t want to believe he was gone, but I blamed myself. I could have done more to keep him living longer, or at the very least kept him more comfortable at the end of his life. How could I have not noticed things had gotten this bad the night before? Maybe if I had gotten someone the night before he would still be here.. Ive failed him as his care taker, this was my fault.

Pt 5 Separation.

After Master attendant was buried Blondie and I felt like we just couldn’t stay anymore, his restaurant left empty now, lifeless, so we left together. Blondie Tried his best to comfort me, telling me it wasn’t my fault, he was old and I couldn’t have done anything. I appreciated it but I knew there was more I could have done. But I was still with Blondie and for that I was thankful, over our years together he had become like an older brother to me.
It was just us two all master attendants  other food souls when their own ways, taking new contracts. Maybe the fact that it was just the two of us should have been a red flag, Him while a strong Food soul with good battle experience, and myself, a support soul with no ability to attack and who had never seen a day of battle. It was ultimately a red flag for what would separate us. Blondie wanted to take me to a spot master had enjoyed taking break while out searching for ingredients or fighting fallen. “Won’t going there be dangerous?” Blondie smiled ruffling my hair “It’ll be fine pepto! I’ll be there to keep you safe together we should be fine should we run into a fallen!” I agreed and we headed out, however it wasn’t long before we were attacked, an Uke Mochi quickly found us as we moved by a near by cliff side. It wasn’t long into the battle, I was hit hard, this was enough to topple me down off the cliff side. I could her Blondie yell my name as a I plummeted down the side  falling so far I could no longer hear him.
I hit the ground hard, I gasped and sputtered shocked over everything that just happened. I panicked Was blondie okay, one food soul against that that thing. Was he going to be okay? Was I going to be okay all the way down here, On my own. How would we find each other? I waited for him where I had hit for days but it came to a point where I could no longer wait, I couldn’t stay here it wasn’t safe. I hoped dearly he was okay, and that I would see him again but, who knows on either of those? Maybe someday I'll know