marble cake cookie



5 years, 6 months ago


name: Marble Cake Cookie
rank: epic
pronouns: she/them

energy: 219
ability: Tap dancing | every jump marble makes gains 3000+ points (including double jumps), she also has the Performance ability which happens every 30.9 seconds in which she gains a speed boost and still gaining points every time she jumps
pet ability: TapBun | allows marble to make a third jump and gain an extra 1000+ points

created with both the best chocolate and vanilla ingredients, swirled together to create the marble designs, and decorated with shiny red ribbons. marble dances and taps away to the music, perfectly on beat, to entertain the other cookies and bring smiles onto their faces. it's always so fun to dance along with her too!

> she's a big sweetie! she enjoys being around people and dancing along with them!
> bunnies are her favorite animal!
> she's very loyal to her friends, and values their lives more then her own
> marble is actually loud, and loves to sing too!
> very determined!

whipped cream cookie: "such a graceful cookie, it's so nice watching him being so graceful..." (admiration)
skating queen cookie: "she's so cool! i wish she could teach me someday!" (admiration)
cheesecake cookie: "i always loved her parties! they were so fun!" (friendly)