Purple Agate



5 years, 6 months ago


Weapon: N/A maybe a shock baton 

Personality: Loyal, stubborn, proud, strong, forward 

Job: Leader, leads battles with other quartz soldiers. When there are no wars she trains her own personal group of soldiers/anything the diamonds tell her to do

Loves: Fighting, respect, planning and talking with other elite war gems, her bitch pearl

Hates: Disrespect, gems that step out of line of their duties, off colors and not being the best. 

Purple Agate is a loyal homeworld gem, part of the blue diamond court. 

Purple agate is a famous gem, having been part of many successful missions on the behalf of Blue and Yellow. Hence her attire. Being loyal to HW, she believes that every gem should fit their purpose.  

As if she couldn't be more intimidating to her fellow quartz, she was gifted a purple pearl, who will not allow any gem to forget her masters rank in Blue's court. With a powerful, loyal quartz, and an ambitious pearl, they make quite the intimidating pair. 

Quartz has to occasionally reprimand Purple for speaking out of turn, but is secretly pleased that her pearl is so willing to defend her pride.