[Trade] (FV) Taylor



5 years, 5 months ago


Species: Living Toy (Anthro Lop Rabbit Voodoo Doll Plush) 

Status/ Age: Alive, 49 years old 

Gender: Male  

Occupation: Tailor, Stuffed Toy Maker, Blanket Maker

Abilities: Can give life to the things he create 

Personality: Taylor is a shy and quiet individual. He is tries to keep his interactions with the world to a minimum. He only interacts with people to make a living. The only two creatures that he interacts with is Sawyer and his pet as his powers do not effect them. He prefers to keep to himself and really isn't that sociable. He tends to be secluded. Taylor is quite creative and does more than just tailor work. He creates clothing, blankets, stuffed toys, and other stuff. His room is covered in papers of designs, materials, and other stuff relating to his craft. He can be quite messy and a hoarder. Though he describes his messy room to be a 'organized disaster'. When interacting with Sawyer and his pet, Taylor is quite talkative and kind. He loves to hang out with them and make things for them. When interacting with his customers of people he needs to interact with (like employees at stores), he is polite and straightforward. Always trying to keep it on topic and quick. He does not like being a voodoo doll-like creature as it can cause issues for him and others. Before Sawyer and his pet, he was quite lonely and craved interactions. Though he feared what may happen. But, when he found Sawyer, he brought her to life and kept her as a daughter. It's the same case with his pet. Though he was a little hesitant at first. 

Art, Custom Characters, Furvilla Wishlist Items