Light Yellow Lily Pearl


Basic Info




Co-Owned with Cookiecat138

Nickname: Lily

The one, the only, LILY PEARL! 

To be honest she went through a bit of a palette change because i wasn’t satisfied fully but now here she is in all her glory 

Lily Pearl is quite odd, she acts emotionless and very creepy on purpose to unsettle others but also to just throw it in their face. The whole ‘perfect pearl’ others are talking about and so of course, what ‘perfect’ pearl wouldn’t give them exactly what they want? Its sort of a way for her repressed rage about being a servant goes. 

Lily sapphire knows whats up but she couldn’t care less about it. If Lily Pearl can do what she asks of her she doesn’t care what other stuff she does. 

I also feel its very hard for pearls in particular to not have color show on them, so being completely monochromatic in black and white would be nearly impossible for them.