


5 years, 10 months ago


Basic Info
Name Riley Dean Spencer
Nickname Rye, Jackal
Age appears 24
Gender Male (he/him)
Height 5 foot 8 (172.72cm)
Sexuality Bisexual
Species Jackal Demon
Home Starfall City
Occupation Streamer/Bouncer
Enneagram Info
Alignment Info
Emotion Tired, Reluctant, Sarcastic
Playlist Music
  • Double Choco-Chip Frappes
  • Skateboarding
  • Spicy Food
  • Kung-Fu Movies
  • Dogs
  • Authority
  • Loud Noises
  • The fact that they don't make light up shoes in adult sizes
  • Humidity
  • In person social interactions with strangers
  • Despite having a huge ball of stress and anxiety balled up inside, and his aversion to social interactions with strangers, he does go out a lot with his friends whenever they can pull him out of the house.
  • Riley is no longer human. One night during a bonfire party with the twins, Koshkaah, and a few others, he drunkenly entered into a blood pact with Psyche. The pact had been an experiment, as Psyche was trying to find the best way to ensure their slowly growing family remained together forever. The changes were unexpected, but ultimately not something Riley really minded.
  • Sometimes he forgets how to be a person or will become too stressed out and react poorly; Like forgetting how to drink and spilling it down his front, or dropping something and instead of picking it up he b-lines to the nearest exist..
  • Despite his shyness, once he gets a few drinks in him he becomes willing to do just about anything. His friends take advantage of this fact on their bi-monthly karaoke nights where they will booze him up and push him on stage to belt out the lyrics to Fall Out Boy songs.
  • Riley has always been good at reading people but due to the changes he went through from the blood pact he made with Psyche, he is now capable of seeing people's auras and manipulate others as well as his own from a combative standpoint if he wishes. He has also gained the ability to manipulate and create fire.
  • Recently, he was given a puppy as a birthday present from Psyche. He has named it Starscream and having someone else to take care of has seemed to help him a great deal in working to take care of himself a little better and go out a little more. Starscream tends to sit in Riley's hoodies when he games, often falling asleep in a little furry ball on his lap.
  • He is the creator of a magical, and horrible drink, that he calls 'Riot Juice'. It is some awful concoction of science and caffiene and is only to be consumed in the most dire of situations - like a deadline that's quickly approaching. The general result is a three day bender of being unable to sleep and having the energy to tackle any and every job. It can be a godsend, but once it wears off the drinker will crash very hard.
  • He's very good at impressions and when he gets high or has a couple of drinks he'll start speaking in random accents or doing impressions to tease his friends.
Sarcastic . Easily Amused . Responsible . Reliable

He comes off as very stuck up or 'edgy', largely due to his RBF that has even made hardened criminals nervous. He has honed his resting expression in an attempt to avoid people in public spaces when he is doing his shopping or running errands. He prefers to ignore people because he has difficulties saying 'no' to people, even strangers, and in his youth has gotten roped into many shenanigans in his youth because of it. If he can help, and he typically views himself as being capable of helping most situations, he will, even if he doesn't want to.

His friends know him for his loyalty, generosity, and silliness. He is the first one they call whenever there are any issues whether it is that a deadline needs to be met and they are running out of time and need some of his 'Riot Juice', or if they just need a supportive shoulder to lean on.


His father ran out on his mother and him at a young age which caused Riley to become even closer to his mother. He began helping around the house more to help make things easier on her like his father would do since she worked around 18 hours a day. When she got sick, during his sophmore year, he started taking on more responsibility and picked up a afterschool job to help her with the hospital bills that slowly began to pile up. When it was time for him to go off to college he had been considering holding off a year, or enrolling in community college so he could be close to home but his mother pushed him to go to his dream school. Reluctantly, he left, but since he was no longer at home he took on even more side work to compensate for his absense in hopes that the money he could send back home would help. He started sleeping less and became heavily stressed to the point that he was having frequent anxiety attacks. It was around this time he accidentally caught wind of the town's fight club and rumors of substantial cash prizes encouraged him to check it out. Finally, he found a way to vent out his anxieties and insecurities while making more than enough money to support his mother. Unfortunately, a year later he received a call that his mother had passed away. He learned that she had cancer, something she had worked hard to hide from him. The loss killed him, luckily while he was away he had met the twins: Oberyn and Psyche, and he had them both to help him as he mourned. Later, when the twins decided that they wanted to move on somewhere else with their adopted brother Gawain, Riley went with them. In these travels he saw many fascinating places and made a few close friends. Eventually, they settled down in Starfall City where Riley started to work on putting down roots.

Name | Relationship

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Name | Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus. Integer vitae justo eget magna. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo.

Name | Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus. Integer vitae justo eget magna. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo.