Delaine Lewis



8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


afab nonbinary (they/their/theirs)



Physical Description

A thin, wiry beanpole with a lopsided smile. Gold doublebrow piercing, bear head tattoo on left arm, faint freckles. Their roots are blonde, but this is usually covered by a beanie. 5'0"

Clothing Preferences

Ranges from edgy to eclectic. Always wears hats (usually in beanie form). See wardrobe ref in Images.


A little butt. The biggest memer.



Tiny memelord, huge queer, great times.

In junior high, Delaine was much like most kids. They felt insecure about their identity, their self of self, and their body. They discovered anime via the ever seducing Naruto Gateway and proceeded to read everything Shonen Jump could deliver, going through a spectacularly wince-worthy weaboo phase. They drew bad fursona art, made bad cosplays, wrote bad fanfiction. Feeling like a misfit, uncool, and nerdy, they reached out for anyone who would see them as desirable company. They met Brandon, dated him because even though he was a jerk he hung out with them and had access to drugs, which made him cool.

High school came. At this point, Delaine was doubting they were like most kids. They were still deep into anime while others had grown out of it. They were still making fursona art, now of a decent quality. And they still definitely felt insecure about their identity, their sense of self, and their body.

They broke up with Brandon and stopped their casual usage of drugs, but kept in light contact. Being extroverted and hyperactive, they found common interests in a different crowd of fellow misfits. And then Jenna transferred to their school.

Delaine, as interested in "new kids" as most people are, jumped to befriend her. Jenna was full of new ideas--gender theory and queer buzzwords, feminism and politics. Some of it really resonated. They clicked, bonding together over identity questions and exploration, and ended up dating for a few years. In the end they had a mutual and begnin breakup, but came out of it with tons of new clothing, new pronouns, and a new label 'nonbinary', in addition to a lot of great memories and an unbreakable friendship.

Throughout their time dating, Delaine's family made it very clear they were unsure about their 'sudden' embrace of queerness. The Lewis family blamed Jenna for putting ideas in Delaine's head and there was a lot of fighting for a while. In that time, Delaine had started talking with Brandon more, eager for the validation of someone important in their life.

Brandon was uneducated about queer issues, ignorant, and also still kind of a prick. While he had mellowed out a bit from their middle school days, he wasn't able to grasp most of what Delaine was explaining, and his confusion, laughter, and half-hearted cooperation brought Delaine a lot of unnecessary agony. They put a lot of weight on his opinion and acceptance, although Jenna continuously tried to convince them that what he thought wasn't important. But Jenna also commonly said he was garbage so Delaine didn't like talking to her about it.

Still, Delaine graduated high school leaps and bounds happier than she had been. Though not out to everyone, they had accepted large parts of their identity, and had a stahlwart friend and ally. They decided to go to the same university as Jenna, and still with large parts of their life left undecided, went forward with much more confidence.


Ongoing Story
Delaine has been in college for two years and their major is still undecided. The lack of drive in their life is a bit unsettling, as it has always been, but now they have a community their a part of and a great environment, so it's manageable. They're active in the queer community on campus, have tons of accepting friends, force Jenna into anime marathons, meme on the internet, and play with their dog. Life is good.

The rest of college continues to be a good experience. Jenna finally starts dating some girl and it's adorable. Their parents are finally deciding the queerness isn't a phase, though they're hesitant on the gender thing. Brandon is far, far from perfect (continuing to neglect pronouns and calling Delaine feminine pet names) but is accepting enough to make Delaine happy, though it continues to anger Jenna. They start dating this gorgeous babe, Danielle, and maybe decide to put thier major as Gender Studies, because it's at least a decisions (although one without any job prospects). Life isn't perfect, but it's good. It's really good.


Extra stuff
>A rare and elusive Driving Gay (tm). Their car's a hunk of junk though, and filled with fast food garbage.
>Furry artist. However, they started their artistic journey with Sonic OCs, and never learned to draw people. Their fursona is a bear.
>Delaine is a HUGE dog person. Dogs are the bomb dot com. They got Scoob when they were 8. At that time, Delaine had a huge crush on Velma, and thus a mild obsession with the show Scooby Doo. Scoob is a German Shepard mix; mixed with what, no one knows.
>Delaine uses Macs and WILL fight anyone who defends Windows.
>They know all of the audience participation lines of Rocky Horror Picture Show and enjoy screaming said lines during everyday conversation.


Series Related

Windswept Youth:
Best friend character, acting as Jenna's support. Also demonstrates that not all exes have to be obstacle or villain characters.

Theirs Profile
Age: 22
Major: Undeclared (junior undergrad)
Delaine is first and foremost anime trash, complete and utter meme garbage. They enjoy yaoi and gundam anime the most, and can also recite entire episodes of Naruto from memory (because in junior high they rewatched the same DVD over and over). They are considering gender studies as their major but realize they will never get a job with it.
Random Fact: Their greatest accomplishment in life was creating their fursona. Hobbies include sending their childhood friend memes at 4 AM.