Natalie "Nate" Jasmine



8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


18 (when entering college)


afab Female


Heteromantic Asexual



Physical Description

At an astounding 4'9", she has a bit of a height complex. Her outrageous long and voluminous hair practically swallows her-- she attempts to straighten it, but it always fights back and it turns out wildly wavy. She actually has strong limbs though, her arms and legs hard with muscle. Her skin is very dark.

Clothing Preferences

She loves cute, girlish clothing. She'll wear looser stuff when streetdancing.


This woman is a college student, and if you think she is any other than that she will bellow like no other. She is childish, has a short fuse, but also can be pretty chill and friendly if you don't provoke her. While her high amount of insecurity can make her very sensitive to normally harmless banter, she is usually full of life and vigor, if not with a bit too much attitude and too little shame. She tries very hard to seem mature (and doesn't get very far).


University of Sydney





Smol angry woman with a sister-based inferiority complex.

Ever since she was little, she has been looking up to her big sister Jael, who is beautiful, mature, and just a lot of fun. They used to be around the same height (as they're only two years apart), but over time Jael grew tall, elegant, and adult like, while Nate kept her babyish features. They had always assumed that Natalie would soon follow... but she never really did, other than a few inches. This was the start of an insecurity that has been with her since she began telling herself "I'll catch up soon".

A few year's difference began to seem infinitely large, and while Jael embodied that 'big sister type' that people naturally looked up to, Nate continued to keep her fiery temper. Nate spent her high school years watching her big sister make multiple meaningful bonds with friends, go to parties, and wear clothes she could only dream of pulling off. And while it only made her love and respect her sister more, she began to dislike herself even while she knew she was a fine person..Just not as good as Jael.

When Jael was about to move out of the house to go to the Uni, Nate crept in her room to see her, already missing her terribly. In that room, she saw Jael's spirit fish--a beautiful, bright Neon Tetra. And compared to her frumpy, pouty, puny little goldfish--well, Nate was sure that both inside and out, she was the runt of the family. Her and the chubby little goldfish certainly matched, she thought.

Being accepted to the same university as her big sis was the first step in trying to prove to herself that she was a good person, not beneath Jael. She hopes to prove that she is a happening girl that can get friends, go to parties, and prove to someone that her and the stupid, dumb goldfish are beautiful--and she may overdo her actions in the process. But while these goals may not be healthiest way to reaffirm one's self worth, they are her goals, and she'll try her hardest at them.

Ongoing Story
During her time in university, she drifts around aimlessly trying to find a unique way to shine. After running into some art students and becoming interested, she finds a natural affinity for animation, and goes on to create an animated choreography program for dancing companies (similar to MMD).

Extra stuff??? (I'll make proper categories later)
Has ADHD. Her parents started her on dance to help her hone all her excess energy. She's reaping its benefits now when she animates, often hyper focusing without realizing.


Series Related

Spirit Fish
Her spirit fish is a Black Moor Goldfish.
She gets really self conscious about her fish, and always compares it to other people's fish. She also likes to equate the physical appearance of a fish to it's owner, so she may judge you based on how pretty your's is. This could work in your favor, depending on what mood she's in (she may want to attract people with better fish to 'be in a cool crowd', or may like people with fish 'worse than her's' to feel better about herself).

Theirs Profile
Age: 21
Major: Animation (juior undergrad)
A short girl getting over a huge sister complex. She had spent her first two years of college st the same university as her older sister, originally focusing on dance. However, she later found a passion in animation, and transferred to an art school to focus on it properly. She hopes to create a program that allows coreographers to map out complex dance routines on 3D models.