Jay the Butterfly



8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Afab boy (he/him)



Physical Description

Green eyes with horizontal eliptical pupils, blond hair (long bangs and a slight curl by the nape of his neck), and glasses (he has a few pairs). He has blue skin with a yellowish dust over him. His arms are covered in yellow swollen scar tissues/wounds. Somewhat broad shouldered, though he still gives off a roundish appearance at all his angles. Slightly transparent red wings. His antenna and eyebags are bright pink.

Blood colour



middle school-ish? Teen

Nip Nops?

Yes. They're purple.

Clothing Preferences

Jeans, Tshirts, sweats, and sagged pants.He nearly always wears a binder. Beanies and other hats are nice on occasion, especially if they hide his eyes more than his bangs can.


Primarily nonverbal (uses sign language). When he does speak, it is in a low, quiet voice. Verbalizations are usually muttered bitterness or casual cursing. Swears are a favoured form of self expression.


His mood ranges from a scale of apathy to scathing fury. Often it falls in the middle, at mildly irate. He does enjoy the classic mental health meme or sarcastic self-loathing joke, though. With new people, he can be a bit bashful.


Grunge, bastardcore, abstract art (occasionally elements of cubism, suprematism, and primary colors).



Jay's fursona, gore muse.

Note: A lot of the art is old and he's drawn far too skinny in it. Jay is a somewhat chubby boy. I haven't perfected capturing his body type yet but he shouldn't be skinny like so much of his art is.


Bitter and easily irritated, his default expression is a dead-eyed scowl. Still, one may seen his rare and elusive smirk as he falls upon an particularly fine morbid joke. Or an edgy meme. Or just a silly anime thing.

Living life on a scale of apathy to rage, he rarely gets anxious, and is thus a pretty chill dude all things considered. He's not exactly rational, however, and is easily tempted by intrusive thoughts or impulsive urges (especially of the self destructive variety).