


8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Bloodstone, Helio

Physical Description

Greenish skin with various red patches, 'splattered' around her gem, forehead, jaw, under right eye, undersides of her arms, fingers, shoulders, ankles, toes, and especially on her back. (However, the red marks change location whenever she regenerates.) Her gem is on her left cheek.Her hair in long in the front and short in the back. She's about 5'2" and skinny as a stick.

Clothing Preferences

She usually goes in her normal outfit, but when sad will create clothing that covers more skin, such as oversized sweaters. She also occassionally makes herself pretty sundresses or fun overall shorts. Pigtails are an occassional addition!


Bubbly, happy, but has a sensitive and sad side. Overwhelmingly optimistic, she is usually silly and radiating sunshine, always wanting to sing songs with her friends. She enjoys deep and meaningful conversations, as well as ridiculous and meaningless. She is a pacifist, and will not harm anything living. If violence is happening, she is likely to leave the immediate area and wait it out rather than watch.


Simple staff, built broom-like in shape shape but more metallic and skinny.


Pulling on the ends of her hair is an unconscious habit. She does it when she's nervous, but also when she's really excited! She is also at time very self conscious and insecure about her gem, and will pull her hair over her face to hide it from view. When not tugging her hair, she tends to run her fingers over her gem when zoning out or idle. Scratching the gem is an unfortuante side effect of her regeneration.


My gemsona!


When she lived in Homeworld, she went by the name of Bloodstone. Back then, she was going through a rough period of her life: her living environment was not healthy, and she was a depressed mess. When Homeworld started invading Earth, she quickly became a rebel sympathizer due to her pacifistic nature. This was the final push that gave her the courage (and excuse) to run away from her home, hoping to finally live a healthy life. She escaped by joining the forces sent to fight the rebels on Earth, only to run to the crystal gems soon after landing. She reformed as a disguise, becoming the Bloodstone shown in her reference.

However, due to the very pacifistic morals that led her to Earth, she could not help fight in the war. She had wanted to support the wounded, but this often involved poofing gems so that they would regenerate and be battle ready again--and even to the willing, she could not take another's life (even if only a second of it). She also did not trust herself around weapons, sharp objects, destruction, and even loud noises; the environment gave her flashbacks and panic attacks, and she soon had a mental breakdown. Overwhelmed with the violence of war and her own uselessness, she hid away and waited out the conflict, her previously unstable mental health now in tatters. Near the end of the fighting she clawed out her own gem in a fit of suicidal hysteria. She had actually meant to crack it and end her life forever, but had been too afraid--the gem, bodiless, sat hidden for many years and contemplated if she truly desired to live on.

She did not stay there long enough to become corrupted. Instead, she was found—by Homeworld gems.  Some homeworld gems came across the cave she was hidden in, and quickly stole her away to experiment on. Of course, being just a gemstone, she was defenseless. She was taken back to a lab where they were creating many failed forced fusions on prisoners of war and traitors to Homeworld, along with broken and damaged gems. She and two other gems, Black Pearl and Sulfur, were to become one of these forced fusions; however, Heliotrope ended up reforming (becoming her current appearance) in order to help the other two escape. The three worked together to flee the lab, eventually fusing in order to escape—ironically, combining under their own terms was the only way to avoid being combined forcefully.

Successfully breaking out, the three now had no choice but to start their lives anew on Earth. Maybe due to the fact that she was finally able to help someone, but Bloodstone felt a sense of purpose and optimism she hadn't before. The three waited out the rest of the war together, but soon it was over; and whatever partnership they had had dissolved. Going their separate ways, they promised to help each other out if one was ever in crisis.

After the war, she started going by Heliotrope as a way to separate herself from her past. To her, Bloodstone died in that cave when she attempted suicide, and a new her, Heliotrope, was born when she reformed in that lab. The name is very indicative of herself: she is the same person, but different; she is 'sunnier'.

Ongoing Story

Now going by the name of Heliotrope, she has begun to make all sorts of friends with the gems remaining after the war. While she's deeply burdened with regrets, she somehow remains bright and exceedingly optimistic.

It's truly her first time living in a healthy environment, since before she had only experienced the harshness of her Homeworld home and war after. She embraces each day with vigor, inviting the peace and playfulness of Earth into her heart. Each day fills her to bursting with gratefulness and joy. She still feels weak and a bit useless, but she knows she's capable of doing good, and hopes to continue to do so! At the moment, she spends Earth's peace brining joy and friendship to those around her.