

Name Nisha
Age 123
Height 1,90m
Gender Female
Sexuality Pansexual
Master Şeytan
Theme Rotten To The Core


"Knowing the truth 
is always better than 
believing a lie "


Nisha once was a princess of a long fallen kingdom. Nisha wasn't "normal" as everyone else in the kingdom. She was blessed with the blood of an old "God" due to an arrangement with her parents, which made her kinda immortal and stopped her from aging when she was 20 years old. Her family got jealous about that and they hired a wizard to find a way to use her blood to stop them from aging and becoming immortal. The wizard started experimenting on Nisha and treated her very badly. She nearly died in that process and lost her eyesight. The wizard found a way to make the blood work on other people and stop them from aging when they drank her blood, but this didn't last long. Every few months they had to drink the blood again. So her family locked Nisha away and told everyone she died. They continued harvesting her blood to stop aging.

When Nisha layed down, locked away in a dark place the “God” who gave her her immortal blood came to her seeing what they did to her. He quietly whispered into Nisha’s ear:” It will all end now, the time of your revenge has come”. Nishas blind eyes turned into light glowing red and she was able to see again. Inside of her the huge desire to take revenge on her family and the whole kingdom. The “God” handled over a long sharp weapon: “Now take all this fools for me and let them suffer, they deserve it”. Than the “God” moved inside of her body and processed her: “We’re doing this together.

Nisha started killing everyone she met and no one was able to stop her. With the powers of the once known god who was now considered to be a demon she destroyed the whole kingdom and murdered nearly everyone who lived there except her family. At the end she came back to her family. The demon moved out of Nishas body and started talking to her family: “You have displeased me and used the gift I gave your first daughter for your own desires. Now you will pay for it. I will curse your second daughter to stay in your broken kingdom forever and being alone unable to ever leave this place. You will never be able to leave your palace walls again and die here seeing how your daughter will never age and die. When your death comes she will be all alone. Nisha you’re free to go wherever you want. Or if you desire kill your parents instantly. Free your sister if you feel like it or leave her here cursed forever.”

Then the demon leaved. Nisha took a close look at her parents with her still red glowing eyes. A strange evil smile appeared on her face. Then she moved towards them. She began torturing them until they died from their injuries. Nishas little sister had to see everything of it. After Nisha was done with her parents she moved to her sister:” May you rot here forever you piece of shit”. Then she left.


  • Manipulating people
  • Chaos
  • Killing people
  • Her people
  • Fighting for her rights
  • Stealing from the rich


  • Her sister/Family
  • Royality
  • Child abuse
  • Being forced to something
  • Being locked away
  • No respect


  • Pychotic
  • Insane
  • Charismatic
  • Manipulative
  • Broken
  • Cruel
  • Polite











Words can Hurt

Silent Scream


Sweet Little Lies

Am I Supposed To Apologize?

You Lost Me


I Have Questions

This You Were Born

Queen of Mean



I Fell In Love With The Devil



Rina is Nisha's younger sister and Nisha hates her for what her family has done to her in the past. Even that Rina was very young when it happend can't convince Nisha that she is innocent.


Nisha is interested in Miruna's powers. She tries to manipulate Miruna to get her to work for/with her. Unfortunatly Dacia tries everything to keep Miruna away from her bad influcences and also forbids her to visit or have any contact to Nisha.


Dacia is an old powerful witch who takes care of the magical beings in the world that have no place anywhere else and need to be protected from bad influcences. However Nisha is highly interested in some of them and wants to use their powers to spread chaos but Dacia is keeping her away from them and Nisha is not powerful enough at this point to compete with Dacia.

Shinji Maro

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque odio enim, aliquet nec varius non, suscipit sit amet ligula. Vivamus dapibus, urna eu sollicitudin finibus, urna eros pulvinar sem, sit amet dapibus diam ligula ac lorem. Maecenas quam urna, bibendum at condimentum vel, mattis eget justo. Nunc et ultrices orci, id hendrerit massa. In mattis interdum augue, vel scelerisque elit venenatis sed. Suspendisse blandit dolor mauris, nec eleifend enim fringilla ac. Nunc malesuada tristique placerat


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque odio enim, aliquet nec varius non, suscipit sit amet ligula. Vivamus dapibus, urna eu sollicitudin finibus, urna eros pulvinar sem, sit amet dapibus diam ligula ac lorem. Maecenas quam urna, bibendum at condimentum vel, mattis eget justo. Nunc et ultrices orci, id hendrerit massa. In mattis interdum augue, vel scelerisque elit venenatis sed. Suspendisse blandit dolor mauris, nec eleifend enim fringilla ac. Nunc malesuada tristique placerat


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque odio enim, aliquet nec varius non, suscipit sit amet ligula. Vivamus dapibus, urna eu sollicitudin finibus, urna eros pulvinar sem, sit amet dapibus diam ligula ac lorem. Maecenas quam urna, bibendum at condimentum vel, mattis eget justo. Nunc et ultrices orci, id hendrerit massa. In mattis interdum augue, vel scelerisque elit venenatis sed. Suspendisse blandit dolor mauris, nec eleifend enim fringilla ac. Nunc malesuada tristique placerat

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