


5 years, 10 months ago


Name Tsukisaka, Ema
Species FMN Angel
Flowers Dame's Rocket
Age at Death 18
Cause Botched Suicide
Height 160cm
Gender Female
Orientation ?
Occupation [info]
Theme [song]

Status Inactive
Designer shrio-nii
Worth Priceless


Ema was born as the only child to a well-to-do couple in the busy city of Tokyo. Their parents, unable to conceive again after her, poured all their attention, hopes and dreams into the little girl, hoping that she would grow up to be everything they wanted, and for a period of time, Ema did her best to fulfil all that was expected of her. She was kind and charming, had excellent grades, was good at sports and arts, and a very pretty young lady growing up.

It was when the pressure to get into the top of Japanese universities at the end of high school loomed that the pressure and unrealistic expectations her parents had of her finally sinked in. Anxiety and depression over took her, and the once friendly (albeit quiet) girl became increasingly more reclusive, and began failing classes and mid-terms, unable to cope with the pressure.

Eventually, unable to face parents' constant disappointment (they never said it, but she could see it), she attempted to end her life one night, even setting up the noose and getting ready to hang herself. She thought she was ready to be free, but mentally, she wasn't - she still somehow had hope that this didn't have to be the end, and while crying, she took a step back from the noose, wanting to go down and talk to her parents. In the most unfortunate turn of events, she slipped from the chair that had supported her, hitting her head against the hard chair surface, and subsequently dying from internal bleeding caused by the injury.

Now reborn as an FMN, Ema is a much more reclusive character, retaining her anxious behaviour nearer to her personality at death, often doubting others (but especially her own self). She works at a library, and uses it as an excuse to read up on all the books that she never got a chance to while alive - the great thing about being an FMN means that you still get to read that last trilogy book that you thought you wouldn't have, after all.